The Emley Moor Mast and Urbexing..


This post may be a short one, largely because I'm not a 'Landscape' photographer and because this shot was snapped quickly in a layby.

As per one of my earlier posts I went to an abandoned waterworks station in West Yorkshire (UK) on Saturday morning.

It was a beautiful day, very cold, so frosty and misty.

On the way up I stopped at the top of a hill to take some shots as with the mist and clouds I literally felt like I was looking over the top of the clouds as chimney's and telegraph polls poked through.

But driving on the way home I turned a corner and behold! what looked like a large magical tower was floating in the clouds, it really was that striking. The tower was the Emley Moor transmitting station, a telecommunications and broadcasting facility on Emley Moor, just west of the village centre of Emley,between Huddersfield and Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

It was a misty day and the the mist was ground level but then the sun was starting to break through the clouds above. I couldn't stop immediately where I was as it was dangerous to do so, so I drove on hoping for somewhere I could pull over and quickly jump out. Luckily a layby appeeared to my left just after a roundabout and I got the following shot..

Emley Moor Mast

Emley Moor3a.jpg

While in the water station I'd been shooting with my DSLR camera and phone camera, but this warranted the DSLR, full frame body and lens. As mentioned above I'm not a landscape photographer so the shots were a bit basic, I shot with my 24-85mm lens and went wide and then closer in. The final shot is a crop from the one below where I removed most of the foreground in the crop, and the telegraph line. In processing I also adjusted the white balance to try and warm the shot as well as boosting the yellows and just tried to draw out what I could. As mentioned below is the original shot..

Raw Shot

Emley Moor 2.jpg

A Follow On..

Going back to the waterworks, this was an urbex outing (Urban Exploration). Myself and @fastchris had gone to check out the place for future potential shoots, but also to explore and document what was there. Below is some of what we found..

Have a Nice Day!









As a photographer I try to mix what I do in my shots, I've done still life, some macro work, lightpainting and I enjoy a good model shoot. If you'd like to check out any of my other work I'm on Facebook, or you can find me on Instagram under neilru75

Thanks very much for looking

Kind Regards, Neil

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