NeedleWorkMonday’s WIP Challenge Weekly Prize Drawing!

It’s that time again folks!
For those who participated in the second week of our WIP Challenge from Friday July 8th thru Friday July 15th, your name was put into a drawing to win some Hive and HBD! 😆🥳
We had an amazing number of 26 participants this week! Way to Go Needleworkers!! 😃
The following were included: @apunawu, @tere.alv, @jonalyn2020, @bimpcy, @neumannsalva, @racn, @multifacetas, @devyleona,, @smilestitches, @yolimarag, @blezyn, @creacioneslelys, @lrscarmen, @kattycrochet, @inici-arte, @chacald.dcymt, @gladymar1973, @monica-ene, @philomenob, @nellyhope, @carolycesar15, @imena, @jurich60, @fiberfrau, @lauramica
Four prize winners were drawn and they are as follows: @lauramica, @yolimarag, @lrscarmen, and @inici-arte!!

Congratulations Ladies!!! 🎉
You have each received 1 HBD & 3 Hive!!! 🤩
You each will also be added on as a 5% beneficiary of this post!
Let’s take a look at what these ladies presented this week…

@Lauramica faced a bit of difficulty while in the process of changing a pair of shorts into a skirt with flare. Unfortunately she ended up ripping the fabric but in the end this WIP will still be able to become a COMPLETE. Laura now realizes she just has to manage her time in order for her projects to turn out well.

This week @yolimarag introduced us to two WIPs she plans to get done. I really like the material and description of those trousers she’s making. She will also be finishing a blouse. She is happy to have joined the challenge as it was what she needed to get going on these projects.

There’s a Congratulations in order for @lrscarmen for finishing her WIP 🥳! She shared with us the final stage of adding some reinforcements and making the fabric cord. We’re happy she was able to complete her blouse.

Oh, she’s gonna be the cutest amigurumi chef! @Inici-arte held on to this project which stemmed from a custom order in hopes to finish it. Finally, she is out of the bag and ready to be made whole.
Thank you all for participating in this challenge! We hope it continues to encourage you to move forward with your projects bringing back the zeal you once had for them. 😊
Remember, our goal is to turn those WIPs into COMPLETES! If we just focus on getting a bit further each time we work on them we can succeed and achieve our goals!! Even if you don’t get to the complete part at least you took the time get started on them again.
We’ll see you right here next week for another round of prize drawings! 😍

Yay, congrats to the four winners: @lauramica, @yolimarag, @lrscarmen, and @inici-arte!! 🥰 And to all needleworkers who submit their WIPs update. And from 18 participants from last week, now we have 26 participants, wow. It just only means that the previous 18 participants had inspired other needleworkers to participate. Hopefully, next week, more wip projects will be exposed and completed. Cheers to all. And God bless. 🥰
That's good 😍😍😍 I'm so glad!
Yes! It's wonderful more and more are being inspired to join the challenge!!
Thanks for this wonderful comment Jonalyn!! 😘
Congratulations to the winners--and to everyone who is finishing projects. Best challenge ever!
Wow, thank you so much for this award ♥️♥️. This project is really getting difficult but it's not going to beat me 😂.
I love this challenge and how we push each other. We had so many hidden projects but I'm glad they're going to be completed at last.
Thank you all for participating ✨❣️.
You're very welcome. That's right, it won't beat you instead you will conquer it! 😃💪🏽
It’s great to have an encouraging push ~ 😊
Wow that's outstanding, I hope everyone finally get to accomplish their WIP project.
Congratulations to all winners and best of luck to the other participants in the next draw.
Thank you very much, it is an honor for me to be selected among an accumulation of work and efforts, this simply motivates me to keep going forward, let us all continue with love and a lot of patience.
That's great to hear! Keep up the good work ~ 😉
very interesting projects! well done to those who have already completed their project! and I wish success to those who are still working on their project! 😀
Congratulations to the winners
@lauramica, @yolimarag, @lrscarmen, and @inici-arte
Thank you ❣️✨✨
I love it thank you so much 🥳🥳🥳🥳, many congratulations to the other winners!!!!! What a thrill!
Absolutely!! 😃
Congratulations to all the winners and kudos to all participants. Let's do more this week❤️❤️
Congratulations 🥳 to the winners.
More and more excitement every week. I like this 😁🙋❤️
Congratulations to all the winners and I am so glad we have the opportunity to get these wips done together <3
Congratulation to the winners.
Congratulation to allá of You. You are super needleworkers🖌️🎨🥰
Oh, muchas gracias. Justo estoy poniéndole color al dibujo. Felicidades y a seguir avanzando.
Congratulations all Winners, more wipes to be done. Really glad we have this challenge to push our longtime wip and be encourage, push us to be done.
Hola amigos de Hive especialmente a @needleworkmonday. quiero saber con excatitud de que se trata este concurso. Si es la contiuación de trabajos que aun no se han podido terminar, pero que ya se hayan presentado en esta comunidad o pudieran ser proyectos personals empezados pero que no se han terminado y me pudieran servir para participar o si es la secuencia de trabajos a medio terminar que deben haberse presentado por aca por la plataforma, pero me gustaria participar de alguna manera. Me encantan los trabajos manuales, la costura, el bordaro entre otros, pero no he tenido la oportunidad de participar, así que espero por ustedes, ara que me aclaren exactamente de lo que se espera de este concurso.
Nice one sir
This is amazing and I am perplexed by the projects the needleworkers are doing here.
Congratulations 🎉 to the winners. I am coming on board today and I hope to learn more from the community members.
Felicidades a los ganadores. Excelentes trabajos.
Hola, buen día a todos en esta hermosa comunidad Needle Work Mondays. Quisiera unirme al Discord en Español, pero no logro hacerlo, dice q La invitación ha expirado. Le solicito a nuestra Aministradora @marblely su valioso apoyo para incluirme. En Discord soy @YennysYaneth#0189
Gracias de antemano ❤️❤️❤️