NeedleWorkMonday’s Freeneedling Challenge!

Authored by @crosheille


Working with our hooks and needles should be a relaxing and enjoyable time. It’s a therapeutic feeling to begin needling, feeling the fabrics maneuver through our fingers and go where the stitches takes us. Having a time where we’re not following a pattern or focused on writing up a tutorial is a needed time for all needleworkers.

We would like to help set this atmosphere for you by presenting our next NeedleWorkMonday Challenge:


I’m sure you’re familiar with the term freewriting where you write for a given amount of time on a specific topic, allowing your mind to freely soar as you write down your thoughts.

Freeneedling is the same concept only instead of freely writing you’ll be freely needling. The goal is NOT to use a pattern and NOT to share any tutorials!

We have reached new heights in our tutorial making. Almost every post we curate involves a tutorial.

You ask is there a problem with that?

No, it’s not a problem but it has created a lacking with sharing other things. It seems everyone is in such a hurry to get right to their tutorials that they don’t add any type of story or share about their day or even any settings of their creating time. It’s great to share how you came to the conclusions of your projects but what about the in between time?

It’s almost as if our needlework posts have lost meaning and feeling and have become robotic.

If I can be completely honest with you, as the founder of this community and curating for over 4 years it has grown quite lackluster and uneventful reading the same type of tutorial posts over and over again throughout the week. Sadly, many have lost the spice and flavor in their needlework posts and those just joining are following in the same pattern of robotic repetition.

I know you may be thinking “well I put great effort into my tutorials, listing the steps and adding the photos.” This I know, but we are looking for a bit more effort with the feeling and mood of your posts.

Everyone’s post starts looking the same when it becomes so predictable: a beginning statement about what you’ll be teaching us how to make, the body of the post that shows the steps and the ending where you invite us to like what you have presented.

Let’s go back to standing out again!

We want to know more about YOU and the creator behind the project not just how to complete the project. Sharing about our day and our thoughts is what made this community unique. There was an automatic connection with one another as we got to know the needler behind the fabric. ❤️

We do notice and appreciate those who do put in the extra effort.


Wнαт We’re Looĸιɴɢ For

For this challenge we will not be looking at how complex or creative your needlework is. We will mainly look for those posts that connect us mentally and emotionally to their freeneedling time.

We’re aware that many of us use patterns to create our masterpieces. Since we are asking you not to use one this time we assume there may be just work patches of stitches presented to us and that’s okay. We want to be connected to this special time you set aside to relax with your hooks, needles and fabrics.

Including process photos is optional. We’d rather you just needle and take a photo or two of your work at the end of your session.

Perhaps during your freeneedling time you can think about the first time you fell in love with your favorite needle craft, about your desires on what to make this coming season or about your favorite yarns and fabrics. You could even ponder on how needling makes you feel and the benefits it brings to your life.

Or you can just think about the chores you are skipping to have your needle time! 🤣

After your session is over create a post sharing about your freeneedling and what you pondered on while relaxing. Connect us to that time so we can feel as if we were there with you. 🤗

We don’t mind what you choose to talk about we just want to enjoy YOU, the artist and be included in that time of when you enjoyed your hooks and needles.


Set a time aside (at least 20 minutes) for your Freeneedling session.
You can do any needlework related activity including any form of fiber arts that deal with knotting, braiding, felting, lacing and any form of manipulation of fabrics and yarns.
• Do NOT use a pattern!
Post about your freeneedling experience connecting your readers to that time of relaxation.
Must follow posting guidelines as outlined in the FAQs page.
• Do NOT include any tutorials in your post (doing so will result in automatic disqualification)!
Must include at least one photo of your finished freeneedling piece in your post.
Must use #freeneedling as one of your post tags.
Must submit your entry directly to the NeedleWorkMonday Community!
Must leave a link to your challenge entry below in the comments of this post so we won’t miss it!

It is important that you read and follow these Rules thoroughly! There will be no personal messages or reminders of any of the above said rules.

Eɴтry deαdlιɴe

All entries for this challenge are due and must be submitted on Monday September 27th!

Winners will be announced on October 4th!


1st Place - 30% of the rewards of this post
2nd Place - 25% of the rewards of this post
3rd Place - 20% of the rewards of this post
4th Place - 15% of the rewards of this post
5th Place - 10% of the rewards of this post

Are You Ready to Start Your Freeneedling Session? 😊


𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙪𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙬!

NWM Discord LInk.jpg

NeedleWorkMonday Founder:


Community Builders:

This challenge was inspired by @marblely’s #NeedleWorkMonday :: I just felt like knitting post ~

Photo Credits: @crosheille

0.541 PAL


Finished freeneedling?! Every time I think I've finished I have to start a new section! 🤣 I don't think I'll qualify for the contest, but I think an update is due. 😉

0.000 PAL

😄😆 Well I'm glad you did the update!

0.000 PAL

Waoo es realmente bonito de ver que podemos hacer este tipo de publicaciones, personalmente hacer un tutorial con pasos detallados me resultaba un poco difícil últimamente y el tener que tomar fotos de cada paso interrumpía un poco mi ritual de tejido. Creo que es una forma más relajante de tejer. Gracias por esta gran oportunidad.
Vamos mis queridos Needleworkers, manos a las agujas!

0.001 PAL

I really thank you for this feedback.

We really want everyone to know that you don't have to do a tutorial to post in this community. We never wanted anyone to feel they had to do this. Back then we encouraged people to show a little more of their work through photos and it turned into mostly tutorial posts.

We want each and every member to feel relaxed here and not pressured or stressed. We actually look forward to posts that look and feel different and not just a step my step. 😉

You are welcome to take as many or less photos as you desire for your needlework posts. If it’s interrupting your workflow, just wait till the end of your work session to snap a photo or two. It’s okay if you don’t capture every single step ~ ❤️

0.016 PAL


Lol for there being a word for how I approach most of the wool socks I knit, I decide patterns and colours as I go :D Sadly I'm late for this post because I was in fact busy knitting something from an actual pattern :D


Haha oh cool! Yep, now there is a word for it!! 😄

Sorry you weren't able to join this one but hopefully the next one suits you and you're able to join in.

Thanks for commenting ~


I just discovered this blog and look forward to seeing more of this. I usually use a pattern but this makes me want to try my hand at just freelancing something. Thanks for the post.

0.000 PAL

Hi @xstormyx123! Thanks for chiming in. We hope you do join in and give this a try. 😃

0.000 PAL

@crosheille as usual you’re such a rare diamond 💎 to me, as always you’ve made my evening with this very brilliant idea, I was fully in my right sense when I said that your my favorite 🤩 🤞🏽 and I meant it ☺️And your absolutely correct, we don’t really share incredible moments, no feelings shared everybody is just rushing up to conclude his/her post without sharing the inspiration that lead to the post, we don’t share those moments anymore in our posts I won’t exclude myself cause am also very much guilty in this as well as others😊☺️ And please this new idea should not only be on the contest alone I think it should be I think it should be added as one of the posting rules it’s my opinion tho, but I’ll be participating in this contest I pray God help me 🙏🏽 I have to win this one 😌

0.000 PAL

Thanks for this sweet and thorough comment @smilestitches. ☺️

We hope this challenge will encouraging more sharing time of those things…we’ve surely been missing them.

Lol, oh we’re on it. We are working on amending our welcome message as well as our FAQsto reflect what we are encouraging here. 😉👌🏽

Looking forward to your entry ~

0.000 PAL

Yes ma 😀it will really be nice to share

0.000 PAL

Greetings @crosheille it's very interesting that format for posts, sometimes I have to interrupt a project to take the photos and follow the sequence, this post idea is great, already preparing for my entry.

0.000 PAL

Yay that's awesome to hear! I hope you enjoy this style and method of relaxation.

Looking forward to your entry ~ ❤️

0.000 PAL

Estaré encantada de hacer mi post para este concurso. me apasiona todo esto, así que vamos a ver que sale.

0.000 PAL

So glad to hear that Carolina! I'm looking forward to seeing your entry ~

0.000 PAL

Awesome, something different. It helps to get to know the person behind the project. I love the concept!

0.000 PAL

This indeed! 😉

Thanks for your feedback ~

0.000 PAL


Awesome, I love the concept.
It shouldn't be all work but additional of play humor and life to our needlework.
Thank you for the challenge.

0.000 PAL

Yes!! That exactly! It's time to just relax and enjoy what we love to do. 😊

Absolutely ~ 😉

0.017 PAL

¡Gran idea!. Justo esta semana pensaba tejer algo distinto, es decir algo donde resalte más lo significativo de la pieza en lugar del proceso. Para el 27 si llego a tiempo (jaja). ¡Muchas gracias por la iniciativa y un abrazo virtual al equipo!.

Great idea!. Just this week I was thinking of knitting something different, something where the significance of the piece stands out rather than the process. Thank you very much for the initiative and a virtual hug to the team!.

0.000 PAL

Oh awesome! Look at that we were on the same page!! 😃

I hope you enjoy your knitting time ~ ❤️🤗

0.000 PAL

I love this. It really is nice to go back to why we started our chosen craft. ♥️

0.000 PAL

Absolutely! We are hoping this will be a nice reflection time for many ~ 😊

0.000 PAL

This is such a wonderful idea! I look forward to seeing the posts. I will still be caught up in wedding sewing, so my freeneedling time will have to wait for another week, but I will get around to it--perhaps inspired by everyone's posts next Monday.

0.000 PAL

I'm glad you think it's a wonderful idea. We hope it encourages more relaxed needle time in the future. We want this to go beyond just a challenge but would love to see this often in the community. 😊

I look forward to seeing yours when you get the time ~

0.000 PAL

Greetings to all...

Excellent initiative to get to know each other better, through our feelings and emotions when developing a project.

I hope to join the challenge.

Thank you for this invitation.

0.000 PAL

You're welcome @jicrochet. We hope everyone enjoys themselves. I hope you get the chance to join in ~

0.000 PAL

Great idea, this is so nice, sometimes it is so tiring taking pictures of every steps and trying to put it into writing... Thanks @crosheille for bringing this up, now I can relax and type freely without the step by step thing.

0.000 PAL

Yes, absolutely!

It was time we did a challenge like this to help everyone realize every post does not have to be a step by step tutorial. I think part of why so much emotion has been taken out of posts is because of the stress and tiredness of the process photos.

Just enjoy yourself and no worries about the steps. 😊😉

0.000 PAL

I love this!!! I just reposted as I know lots of freewheeling needlers who I hope to see this and give it a go. I am so eclectic, probably for all the reasons you noted. After reading over and over how to's, I want to see something a little more YOU a little mixed up with cool whip and put between a piece of bread.

You know what I mean.

I am looking forward to these entries! This should be a lot of fun! :))

0.000 PAL

Thanks so much for the reblog!

Yes!!!! That’s exactly what we’re ready to see more of. It’s time to mix it up and steer away from just tutorials. 😉

I think this will be a lot of fun too!

0.000 PAL

Good idea to view posts in another format. Interesting ❤️! Although I think that I don't know how to create a sewing garment without a previously defined pattern...

0.000 PAL

I'm glad you think it's a good idea Laura. 😊

Whatever you can whip up with your needle and hook is fine. Even if it's just a long patch of different stitches. The point is to get you to relax doing what you love to do and not worrying about the perfect pattern or step by step. You never know what you can do if you just let your hands and needles flow. 😉

0.000 PAL

Wow this was a close call: I just came back from Leipzig, abondoned all plans to write about it and made my freeneedling post: love the idea of freeneedling. Thank you for this lovely contest <3 <3
edit: in my haste I forgot the freeneedling hashtag, I inserted it now and hope it worked 😱

0.000 PAL

Yay so glad you made the time to join in! Yep, the tag is there. You're good to go!

Looking forward to reading. 😉

0.000 PAL

Hello @crosheille, this my entry to the freeneedling challenge 👇🏼

Am actually sorry for my entry coming in late. But it better late than never 😂😆

0.000 PAL

You're fine, not late at all. 😉

0.000 PAL

😂 😂 I thought as much 😂 thank you

0.000 PAL

wow nice work

0.000 PAL