Cover equivocada con una historia para contar ESP/ENG
En esta oportunidad que tengo de mostrarles a mi persona interpretando una canción quiero contarles un poco de lo que me ha tocado vivr y me identifica esta canción.
Creo que todos tanto hombres como mujeres en algún momento de nuestra vida hemos tenido que soltar algun amor que nos ha hecho mucho daño y lastimado, que quiza el golpe de una piedra en la cabeza duele menos que el actuar y las humillaciones de esa persona que dice "amarnos" hacia nosotros.
A veces es complicado soltar sobretodo cuando se sufre de dependencia emocional, pero cuando esa persona resulta ser narcicista y mitomano tiene ese grado y ese poder de manipulación sobre ti y que tu aun sabiendo realmente la verdad de como es y con tantas pruebas del daño que te ha causado, tu sigues ahi perdonando solo porque el amor siempre resulta ser mas fuerte.
Porque cuando decides alejarte y seguir adelante y ya no quieres mas daño y mas humillaciones, esa persona vuelve porque no le gusta verte feliz y menos sin el, porque sabe que tu siempre vas a estar y siempre serás su lugar seguro asi el o ella no sean el tuyo.
Porque a veces nos aferramos tanto a algo que nos hace daño y seguimos insistiendo años y años solo porque crees en el cambio y en el amor y eso pasa porque te dices a ti mismo "Si yo puedo amar y perdonar a tal magnitud en algun momento alguien tambien lo hará de la misma forma conmigo", pero al final resulta que no es igual, porque no todos tienen ni tu buen corazon ni tu buena voluntad.
Buscas a Dios, oras. ayunas, por esa persona y por ti, por encontrarte, por perdonarte a ti y a el sin importar cual sea el resultado y cuando por fin logras liberarte del dolor causado vuelve a ti porque te ve feliz y en paz y tu vuelves a caer.
Se vuelve un circulo vicioso, se vuelve como una droga donde el unico perjudicado eres tu, porque tu gran corazon es mas grande que todo el daño causado, que todas las mentiras, los embustes, los inventos, los insultos, los malos tratos, las humillaciones, los engaños, infidelidades, las veces que te hizo sentir menos mujer o menos hombre en caso de ellos, y tu sigues ahi, dices ya basta y te pide perdon y se arrepiente y te dice volvamos a intentarlo, cambia 1 o 2 semanas y luego vuelve a ser el mismo, porque asi es su juego, asi es su locura, su bipolaridad, mantener siempre el control sobre ti.
Te sientes vacia, te sientes sola, te sientes oscura y fea, te sientes sucia te sientes poco y menos, solo porque esa persona te consume toda tu energia, te consume fisica y espiritualmente y ya tu alma no vuelve a ser la misma, tu no vuelves a ser la misma, y esa confianza en las personas, esa sonrisa que te caracterizaba siempre, ser dulce o amable ya no es opcion, siempre molesta, siempre triste, siempre llena de dolor, odio y rencor, como salir del hueco? Quieres, lo intentas una y otra vez y solo le pides a Dios ayuda para no volver a caer.
La canción se llama Equivocada de Thalia, grabada con mi tecno camon 20, usando tambien traductor de Google.
In this opportunity that I have to show you my person performing a song, I want to tell you a little about what I have experienced and what this song identifies with me.
I think that all of us, both men and women, at some point in our lives have had to let go of a love that has hurt and hurt us a lot, that perhaps the blow of a stone on the head hurts less than the actions and humiliations of that person who It says "love" us.
Sometimes it is difficult to let go, especially when you suffer from emotional dependence, but when that person turns out to be a narcissist and a mythomaniac, they have that level and power of manipulation over you and that, even though you really know the truth of what they are like and with so much evidence of the damage they cause, has caused you, you are still there forgiving only because love always turns out to be stronger.
Because when you decide to walk away and move on and you no longer want more harm and more humiliation, that person comes back because he or she doesn't like to see you happy and even less without him, because he or she knows that you will always be there and you will always be his or her safe place, even if he or she doesn't. be yours.
Because sometimes we cling so much to something that hurts us and we continue to insist for years and years just because you believe in change and love and that happens because you say to yourself "If I can love and forgive to such a magnitude at some point." someone will also do it the same way with me", but in the end it turns out that it is not the same, because not everyone has your good heart or your good will.
You seek God, you pray. You fast, for that person and for you, to find yourself, to forgive you and him no matter what the result is and when you finally manage to free yourself from the pain caused, he comes back to you because he sees you happy and at peace and you fall again.
It becomes a vicious circle, it becomes like a drug where the only one harmed is you, because your great heart is bigger than all the damage caused, than all the lies, lies, inventions, insults, mistreatment, humiliations, deceptions, infidelities, the times he made you feel less of a woman or less of a man in their case, and you are still there, you say enough is enough and he asks for your forgiveness and he regrets it and tells you let's try again, change 1 or 2 weeks and then he is the same again, because that is his game, that is his madness, his bipolarity, always maintaining control over you.
You feel empty, you feel alone, you feel dark and ugly, you feel dirty, you feel little and less, only because that person consumes all your energy, consumes you physically and spiritually and your soul is no longer the same, you You will never be the same again, and that trust in people, that smile that always characterized you, being sweet or kind is no longer an option, always annoying, always sad, always full of pain, hatred and resentment, how to get out of the hole? You want, you try again and again and you just ask God for help so you don't fall again.
The song is called Equivocada by Thalia, recorded with my tecno camon 20, also using Google translator.
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Que bonito cantas, felicitaciones, me gustó oirte, y tienes muy buena actitud al cantar.