Stories behind the photos: without my dad, there are no photos [Esp/Eng]
Greetings friends of the community, this is the first time I share something here so I hope you like it.
Saludos amigos de la comunidad, ésta es la primera vez que comparto algo por aquí así que espero que sea de su agrado.

Hace unos pocos días me encontraba revisando algunas viejas fotografías y esto me hizo recordar diversas anécdotas que me ocurrieron mientras era pequeño, además de reafirmar algunas con lo que me contó mi mamá ya que al yo ser pequeño y no recordaba del todo a la perfección. Entre éstas fotos que les comento, encontré una que es de mis favoritas y considero que tiene una historia graciosa y muestra el apego que de pequeño era bastante notable con mi papá.
Resulta que mi mamá tenía días planificando una sesión de fotos para mí, me habían comprado un caballo de madera y ella quería utilizar éstas fotografías para mí fiesta de cumpleaños que estaba próxima a suceder. Hizo todos los preparativos necesarios, arregló un día con el fotógrafo para que asistiese a nuestra casa y allí serían las fotografías.
El día llegó, mi mamá me arregló desde temprano para que no hubiese retraso y no se llevara más tiempo del necesario hacer las fotografías y mi papá como era de esperarse, se fue al trabajo. El fotógrafo llegó, tuvieron una charla del cómo serían las fotografías y ya cuando iban a empezar que me sientan en el caballo de madera, empiezo a llorar, yo no me quedaba quieto en el caballo e intentaron hacer muchas cosas, distraerme mostrándome un juguete, cantándome, hasta colocando galletas cerca de mí para que fijase mi atención en ellas y me quedase quieto para hacer las fotografías pero ninguna de ellas funcionó.
En el proceso que sucedía todo eso ya había pasado una hora desde que estaban intentando que me dejara tomar fotografías pero no lo conseguían. Mi mamá ya estaba considerando simplemente decirle al fotógrafo que la disculpara y que simplemente iban a tener que dejar eso así y planificar otro día por lo indispuesto que yo me encontraba, pero antes de hacerlo jugó su última carta que fue llamar a mi papá, le comentó que yo no dejaba de llorar y que no lograban hacerme quedar quieto o al menos que dejara de llorar para hacerme las fotografías, cabe aclarar que como dije más arriba, él estaba trabajando y todavía no era su hora de salida, sin embargo le explicó la situación a su jefa y en menos de 20 o 30 minutos ya estaba llegando a nuestra casa.
A few days ago I was going through some old photographs and this made me remember several anecdotes that happened to me when I was little, besides reaffirming some of them with what my mom told me since I was little and I didn't remember them perfectly. Among these photos that I am telling you about, I found one that is one of my favorites and I consider that it has a funny story and shows the attachment that as a child was quite noticeable with my dad.
It turns out that my mom had been planning a photo shoot for me for days, she had bought me a wooden horse and she wanted to use these pictures for my birthday party that was about to happen. She made all the necessary arrangements, arranged a day with the photographer to come to our house and there the pictures would be taken.
The day arrived, my mom arranged for me early in the morning so there would be no delay and it wouldn't take longer than necessary to take the pictures and my dad, as expected, went to work. The photographer arrived, they had a talk about how the pictures were going to be taken and when they were about to start sitting me on the wooden horse, I started to cry, I would not stay still on the horse and they tried to do many things, distract me by showing me a toy, singing to me, even placing cookies near me so that I would fix my attention on them and stay still to take the pictures but none of them worked.
In the process of all this happening it had already been an hour since they were trying to get me to let them take pictures but they couldn't get me to do it. My mom was already considering simply telling the photographer to excuse her and that they were just going to have to leave it at that and plan another day because of how unwell I was, but before doing so she played her last card which was to call my dad, He told him that I wouldn't stop crying and that they couldn't get me to stay still or at least stop crying to take the pictures, it should be noted that as I said above, he was working and it wasn't his time to leave yet, however he explained the situation to his boss and in less than 20 or 30 minutes he was already arriving at our house.

Mi mamá me cuenta que justo en el momento en que escuché el sonido del carro de mi papá llegando dejé de llorar y me hicieron la primera foto aún sin que mi papá hubiese entrado y en ella se puede apreciar en mi rostro lo mucho que había estado llorando.
Una vez que mi papá estaba con nosotros y lo vi, me quedé bastante quieto y aprovecharon de hacerme las fotografías, se puede ver a la perfección cómo mi mirada está fija a la cámara y es que mi papá se colocó detrás del fotógrafo para que yo centrase mi mirada a donde debía.
My mom tells me that just at the moment I heard the sound of my dad's car pulling up I stopped crying and they took the first picture of me even without my dad coming in and you can see in my face how much I had been crying.
Once my dad was with us and I saw him, I stayed quite still and they took the opportunity to take pictures of me, you can see perfectly how my gaze is fixed on the camera and my dad stood behind the photographer so that I could focus my gaze where I should.

Y así fue como hice salir a mi papá horas antes del trabajo sólo porque no me dejaba hacer fotografías y tuvieron que recurrir a ésa opción. A día de hoy la última fotografía se encuentra en nuestra sala y suele ser una anécdota que suelen contar cuando alguien viene a visitarnos y justo preguntan cómo hicieron para que me quedase quieto sabiendo lo inquieto que solía ser de pequeño.
And that's how I made my dad leave work hours before just because he wouldn't let me take pictures and they had to resort to that option. To this day the last photograph is in our living room and it is usually an anecdote that is told when someone comes to visit us and they just ask how they got me to stay still knowing how restless I used to be as a child.

• Portada realizada por mi en Canva.
• Todas las fotos vistas en esta publicación son originales y propias.
•Cover made by me in Canva
• All the photos seen in this publication are original and own.
Lol, what a story 😂. I can tell from the look you have on the photos, that it wasn't easy, but no worries, you're not the only one. We have several photos where me and my brother were crying as we did not want to do what my parents wanted us to do.
You're a photographer now and most likely know, photographing kids and animals is the hardest as you can't tell them to sit tight. I mean you can but will they ever listen? 😂
@erikah When you go through old photos you realize how many of them you ended up messing up but you end up with funny photos to talk about in the future 😂.
I was just saying that to a friend, how funny life can be sometimes that made me go from being the one who complicated a session for a photographer to being the photographer who gets complicated sessions 😂. And yes, being a photographer I understand how hard it is to keep the attention of children or animals, I have a cat that I love to take pictures of, but to get his attention even for a few seconds I have to do a million things. 😂
I guess life pays you back now, what you did to that poor photographer back then 😂.
And I agree, the job can be so frustrating at times, but has a lot of good moments too 😃
Yes, it's certainly frustrating, but getting the pictures you wanted is worth it all. 😁
That is very true 😃
These memories of yours are old but gold :) So sad to say that I haven't seen even one of my pics when I was still a child.
Yes, I am trying to preserve these memories. And I'm sorry about what you mention about not having seen old photographs of you.
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