Esp/ Eng. Noticias que te cambian la vida& news that changes your life


Hola amigos un gusto estar por acá, el día de hoy quiero comentar y compartir con ustedes una noticia que me rompió el alma literalmente.

Está ha sido mi semana gris, llena de puras malas noticias 😔, primero recibo la noticia de la muerte de una prima de mi esposo, dónde me tocó vestirla y maquillarla después de muerta, un golpe muy duro para mí, porque ella tenía una niña de cinco años de edad, y era huerfana de papá, ahora quedó huérfana de mamá, una noticia muy triste 😭.
No siendo esto suficiente el día de ayer recibí la noticia de que mi padre tiene cáncer de colon rectal, sin duda alguna esa peor noticia de mi vida.
Mi corazón se rompió en mil pedazos 😭 no saben lo duro que es recibir una noticia de este tipo, mi padre ya tenía bastante tiempo sintiéndose mal, pero el pensaba que era las hemorroides y siempre les decía a sus hijos que el estaba bien ❤️‍🩹.
Mi padre se separó de mi madres hace más o menos seis años porque ya el tenía otra pareja, y aproximadamente 4 años comenzaron las enfermedades de mi padre.
Mi padre siempre fue un hombre alegre, feliz entusiasta y trabajador, pero poco a poco se fueron acabando esos ojos de alegría de felicidad, poco a poco he sentido como se va apagando, como duele esto amigos.
Yo por un tiempo estuve muy molesta por lo que el le había hecho Ami madre, y había veces que lo desprecié, el llegaba a la casa y yo no me sentaba a hablar con el, y ahora pienso cuántas veces el querría hablar conmigo y yo no lo dejaba, me encerraba en mi cuarto y no me importaba si el estaba allí.
Cuánto duele amigos saber que me va hacer tanta falta retroceder ese tiempo, me siento tan miserable, tan dolida, como me duele el alma.
Una vez, mire un video donde lo ví, llorar del dolor, quejarse y verlo en ese sufrimiento, me causo tanta tristeza, porque mi padre vive en un ranchito, sin luz, sin agua, hay Dios mío, porque si estuviera con mi madre nada de esto hubiese pasado.
Mi hermano decidió de venir a buscarlo y se lo llevó a Caracas, le realizaron una biopsia y arrojo cancer
Lo único que deseo es ir hasta donde esta el y abrazarlo, pedirle perdón, regalarle todas esas conversaciones que nunca tuvimos.Que miserable soy
Tengo tanto miedo 😞 😞 😞 😞
La salud pública en mi país no sirve para nada una quimioterapia cuesta 150$ y una radiografía 800$ sin contar la resonancia magnética, nosotros no tenemos para cubrir esos gastos médicos, y eso me pone peor.
Pensar como será cuando reciba la noticia, sin duda mi vida ya no será igual.





Hello friends, it's a pleasure to be here, today I want to comment and share with you a news that literally broke my soul.
This has been my gray week, full of pure bad news 😔, first I receive the news of the death of my husband's cousin, where I had to dress her and do her makeup after she died, a very hard blow for me, because she had a girl five years old, and she was orphaned by her father, now she is orphaned by her mother, very sad news 😭. This not being enough, yesterday I received the news that my father has rectal colon cancer, without a doubt the worst news of my life. My heart broke into a thousand pieces 😭 you don't know how hard it is to receive news like this, my father had been feeling bad for quite some time, but he thought it was hemorrhoids and he always told his children that he was fine ❤️‍ . My father separated from my mothers about six years ago because he already had another partner, and approximately 4 years ago my father's illnesses began. My father was always a happy, happy, enthusiastic and hard-working man, but little by little those eyes of joy of happiness began to disappear, little by little I have felt how it is fading, how this hurts, friends. For a while I was very upset by what he had done to my mother, and there were times when I despised him, he would come home and I wouldn't sit down and talk to him, and now I think about how many times he would want to talk to me and I I didn't leave him, I locked myself in my room and I didn't care if he was there. How much it hurts friends to know that I will need to go back that time so much, I feel so miserable, so hurt, how my soul hurts. Once, I watched a video where I saw him cry from pain, complain and see him in that suffering, it caused me so much sadness, because my father lives in a little ranch, without electricity, without water, there is God, because if he were with my mother none of this would have happened. My brother decided to come look for him and took him to Caracas, they performed a biopsy and it showed cancer. The only thing I want is to go to where he is and hug him, ask for forgiveness, give him all those conversations that we never had. How miserable I am. I'm so scared 😞 😞 😞 😞 Public health in my country is useless. Chemotherapy costs $150 and an x-ray costs $800, not counting the MRI. We don't have the money to cover those medical expenses, and that makes me worse. Thinking about what it will be like when I receive the news, without a doubt my life will no longer be the same.
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