Splinterlands - Season 138 - Spending 100K DEC

Season 138 has come to a close and this is my 2nd full season back in modern only. It has been a pretty interesting season, battling away and making adjustments to my deck and hustling as best I can.

I did manage to unlock Gold I again and a few days before the end of the season too. I had some hopes that I could try and crack into Diamond III again like back in the olden days, however, that was not to be the case.

In the end I fell back down to Gold II and was grinding there mostly in the last few days trying to get back up to Gold I without any luck.

My ranking was over 200 points lower than last season where I had hit 2500. Despite making some deck improvements that is a shame. However, my EOS glint earnings were nearly 43k and this was an improvement over the 37k last season, but much lower than those of my guild running in wild earning many more multiples of this.

As I was wanting to get as much glint as I can and improve my reward cards, I ended up burning many of my gold foil soulbound cards for glint and buying many more cards that I needed.

Here are a bunch of legendaries that I pulled with that glint which helped me out no end but cost me 250k glint. However, there is no other way but to get the legendaries that you need. I have been buying the ultimate chests too, but they are often not paying compared to just getting the cards you want.

With my 30 ultimate chests pull, I did manage 2 legendaries of Ferexian Hero which I needed, and now only need 1 more of him to have at max level.

This would have been cheaper to just get legendary cards. Luckily I could burn the Madcap Magus gold foil rare cards for 10k glint as a sort of refund.

I do think buying and opening chests at the end of the season are important and part of the fun though, just in case you get something really cool and unexpected. I really need some Kulu Masterminds! It was lucky then that I spent the rest of my glint on 4 legendaries and pulled one! 😀

He is still the legendary that I now most want to max out. I need one more copy of him to get him to level 3 and then the path to max level is not far off.
It was a shame 2 of the legendaries I already had and lost alot of glint when I burned them. Overall though, my progress on the soulbound cards is progressing well.

Compared to last season, my common cards are now at 100% with just 19 copies for Firecaller being needed and my common cards are then all max level.

My rare cards are up to 88% now from 82% and still a little bit of work to do here. My Epic cards then jumped from 47% to 55% now. I try to push these as much as I can. Finally the big jump in legendaries from 69% to 77% is also pretty good. I still hope I can pick up the final cards before the new soulbound get released.

Card prices continue their death spiral and I managed to add a few max level cards to my deck. Some that I use quite often such as Life Sapper and Venari Bonesmith. I didn't realise that I didn't have them already at max level.

The main thing I also did was to move Thaddius Brood up to max level from 7 which I was hesitating to do for some time. Now my death deck is feeling abit more powerful and one of my favorite splinters to play.

100K DEC

Today I also went on a shopping spree spending around 100k DEC that I had saved up to improve my deck. This time I was buying my missing reward cards from my collection on my alt account. These are some great cards and I am looking forward to putting them to good use.

A couple are from the beta card collection and the rest from untamed, so they are no use in modern, but for brawls and wild can be very useful. They will now line up with my Kron the Undying who has been kicking ass in the brawls recently.

I just need to add a Kitty and Yoda. I hope the prices may drop a bit further that I can snag them if they become available.

Game News

The news has been lately that some proposals to make changes to the SPS rewards and scrapping vouchers have been put through. There are now so many proposals, it is hard to keep up with them all. I would be happier if they had less proposals as there shouldn't be too much need for big changes in the game and this keeps a more longer term perspective instead of short term untested changes.

The other big news is the release of a Hive DHF proposal for Splinterlands to fund the dev team. It is hard to know if this would pass at the moment, but considering the majority of comments are msotpy positive for it, who knows?

How was your season?

That's all for this update, thanks for reading.


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It might be hard to keep up with the proposals but it still burn DEC so I was kind of ok about it.


Yes this is true, they are burning DEC every time! DEC is my favourite Splinterlands token too.


Best of luck in the next season buddy, wishing you success in your gaming journey

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- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

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Do you like all of these Splinterlands proposal?


Spending 100K DEC sounds pretty intense man. I'm glad to see you’re making progress and enjoying the game too


Congratulations on your shopping spree, the almo is a card I wish I have and for such collection that is no longer relevant in modern, you've gotten yourself some great gems there.
Seasons reward looks good. I think mine was better too. In reality the major draws are a gamble and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.


Thanks, I tried to invest in cards while they are at good prices. Maybe we will see a rebound in the future.


No doubt the prices will rebound, it's a great opportunity.


I didn't even bother playing this last season. I have been a bit disillusioned with the game lately. I'm not sure I am going to support the DHF thing either. I agree with you though, it feels like we are constantly being bombarded with proposals in the system. They better give us some kind of compensation for vouchers if they do remove them. At least to make us whole.


Sorry to hear that you stopped playing Bozz but I can understand it totally. There are quite a few players who have recently stopped with the changes to wild.

I am sure the DHF proposal will be the first of many, there doesn't seem to be a turnaround plan presented to get them standing on their own feet again. Ironically it reminds me of when the team lost the keys of 200k ETH on a bridge and it was no big deal. That has doubled since then..

I have Splinterlands DAO fatigue and most I don't even check, but it was interesting their own DAO turned down to give the team $100k recently.


I usually try to push through the draft proposals to at least allow them to get in front of the other users. I still like brawling, but all of the changes to the other parts have become tiresome.


I'm impressed how focused you are on pushing for your goal. Nice job!

Splinterland cards prices are so very down. Kind of interesting to see it from your end. As a buyer you want them down even further but once you become the owner or even seller you want them up. Well, my Kitty used to be valued ~$800, now she is only $60 even less then Epona - SMH


Yes it's a double edged sword. It is not great to see something you bought for so much drop in value.. and then the utility of them is also limited for 2 years before a new set comes in.

It is a similar story with the Gods Unchained genesis cards, how do you keep the game going without removing the meta from them?
Splinterlands can give older cards utility again, it's just a case of how long it takes for them to figure this out..


Very nice pickups on those legendary cards! I'm one away from a maxed out Kulu Mastermind. I put all my glint into legendary this time and got a few to level 3 so it was worth it. Maxing them out is a serious challenge...

Great buys there, Kraken and Spirit Miner are so helpful, I love those cards. I'm not sure when the change over to new rewards are coming, so for now I'll be working on my legendary cards!


Congrats, thats a good achievement with Kulu. I have been ploughing into the legendaries too as I think they bring the most value.


That's some nice additions to your deck! But if prefer the Modern you should be careful about buying Chaos Legion. It has about half an year (probably a little more) and it's out of Modern.


That's very true, I would have to then consider whether I stay in modern or move to wild with my deck. It's hard to say which way to go yet.


Your collection of Legendary are amazing
Thank you for this report
Have a great start of the season


Looking like some great new card pick ups!


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