The Song "At Some Point" And Playing Rising Star Game


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"In the future...the one I love..
Will the one be by my side.?" , They are my favourites lyrics from the song ""At Some Point". I always feel sad when I heard the lyics of the song because at some point, the persons we love will always left our side. This is unavoidable fate for many people. Although we don't want it,but we know we will face it one day.

Today, I chose to write this song, "At Some Point" because I like the lyrics of the song. I also like Anonimus, the singer of the song.I like his sweet, calm and kind voice. This song is also my favourite song of his. Although his other song "Let It Be " is very popular, I like "At Some Point" more.

The song is about the person who thought giving is love. He will fulfill all her wishes, he will let you win if you want to win him, he will endure all her wrong doings even though the person he loves did not notice his love. But he continue to fulfill her wishes while staying her side because he believed that love is giving. He try to tell her about his love, but he can not talk her about it because he is afraid. So, he is worried that at some point,"Will he becomes the person she loves (or) the other person becomes the one she loves".He also thought that"In the future...the one I love..". "Will the one be by my side.?" .


The person who always wants to be by your side...
The person who wants to always fufill your wish
Win me as you like

The person who will always lose to you because it is you
The person who always endure your bad habits
The person who accepts love as giving
If my love is measured with everything
All seem small

At some point...the one you love...
Will be me?
Is it someone else?

In the future...the one I love..
Will the one be by my side.?

Because he thinks everything in advance
At some point, I worried that she will left me
Thinking about it every night
My heartbeat is shaking

About loving this person
Compose many words
I dare not to speak in front of you
Because I am afraid

At some point...the one you love...
Will be me?
Is it someone else?

In the future...the one I love..
Will the one be by my side.?

At some point...the one you love...
Will be me?
Is it someone else?

In the future...the one I love..
Will the one be by my side.?

At some point...the one you love...
Will be me?
Is it someone else?


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I played rising star game every day. Every day, I did the missions and got xp points. Every missions except special missions gave xp points. Base on the missions, the xp points I got are different. So, I tried to do differnt missions.

After you got the xp points the level required, you will level up to another level. Currently, I am in level 142 and I can do till county festival auditions mission in county tour zone. Each mission need the differnt levels to play. For another mission, county festival gig mission I need to advance eight more levels. The level requirement for this mission is level 150. In the rising star game, when you can do upper missions, you can get more starbits. So, I am trying to move my level by playing the game regularly.

Each mission has fans requirements too. But, I have already bought many cards that contains fans. In today, I also bought a pack that cointains three cards. I want to spend a few starbits today. So, I only buy a pack, without buying rare vehicle card like other days.

In the pack, I got two common instrument cards and a rare people card. The two common cards are i210 LVB Batt Black and i240 TP82. i210 LVB Batt Black have 1 luck and i240 TP82 have 5 luck. For rare people card, I got R497 Aria, it is a quite good card because it have 135 fans, 70 skill, 3 luck and 2 im.

I also participated in rave rewards, my team choice for today is team B. To team B, I sent 55 fans .


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