RE: Are you winning or losing?

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My theory is about 1-3% of the crypto space is winning and like 97% losing. I think the situation is that we focus on the 1% that are the big winners and we presume that can be us. I call that the lottery ticket mentality. It only takes one person to hit the powerball to get everyone going and that is powerful symbolism. I would prefer we focus on projects that we truly be useful to the world either now or in the future because then atleast we're not just burning through money on the las vegas strip. Atleast if we're invovled in crypto projects that actually help the world it's worth the losing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



I would agree with you on this one. At the moment the majority of people are still chasing crazy riches because they have seen a few that have made it successfully. Buying random tokens and hoping that the price goes up isn't a successful plan in any business let alone one as volatile as this space.

That is not how crypto will be successful or how people will be successful in crypto.

The way forward in my opinion is getting involved with solid projects where you can earn a share of the profits from it's revenue. Especially if those projects can add real benefit to peoples lives in the process.

Leofinance and splinterlands are a good example for me. Hive will benefit from their success and ultimately the tokens holders that are stacking hive but these two projects have real teams, a real roadmap and we can see where the revenue is coming form. The fact that we as users can benefit from that revenue is where i plan to win by taking part in those projects.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes i don't think leofinance and splinterlands are bad products. Are they limited in the scope of who uses them? Yes because they are so very specific. Leofinance is speaking typically to financial savvy people. Splinterlands.. i'm not a gamer so have no idea how it even works. So yes those are two perhaps okay products but look at how many don't fit those categories so then hive needs to come up with more good apps that may even be less specific and the question remains can it?

I don't see any data to suggest it can

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
