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Well some contradictions here...as you point out hive is not a democracy it's a plutocracy but it's still shitty.

The problem is the idea of decentralization is more relative to democracy. Which is why you have all those miners. interesting enough projects with more miners seem to perform better than projects with less miners. Such as hive with less miners not even a top 100 crypto can't seem to ever get there?

i think for me the solution lies in an even more controversial area or the transhumanist idea of an ai governance model where there are no flawed human decisions at all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.002 PAL


i think for me the solution lies in an even more controversial area or the transhumanist idea of an ai governance model where there are no flawed human decisions at all.

If you watch the Andreas Antonopoulos video that's exactly what he says:

We should of had AI overlords by now.

0.000 PAL

we should i trust them more than you all. Ai's won't make decisions based on greed. I know people who would sell their own mother for a daughter. Poison their own children backyard with toxic waste to avoid paying a $10k disposal fee

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Ai's won't make decisions based on greed.

In other news, AI based on the human brain is invented.

The stuff that AI does baffles even the devs that program them.
Your ego is dangerously ignorant and self-important.

0.000 PAL