RE: Crypto Empire: Digital Imperialism Emerging.

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I been arguing this for 4 years now. The reason i argue it i know it's going to come to this at some point. Freemium services will win point blank. The systems that create freemium services will win. The ones that haven't will.

The ones that don't use freemium services will reach it's zenith and die. This is the age of material abundance. It's going to make markets as we know them obsolete. That's use of 20th century economics in a 21st century world.

You see just like recyclable plastics and 3d printers we're moving into a world of material plenty. So why do we have little? Misplaced philosophical and political ideology. LIke the ones you all share on this platform. Completely and utterly wrong. They said the war in afghanistan cost over $300 million per day and we were there over 20 years.

In our present pandemic world when the economy was cut off and in some cases still is. The us govvernment could have easily paid every family $100k and be able to afford it. Instead they acted like they couldn't

Blockchain and projects will move to free platforms and i mean completely free. I don't mean this baloney you all do. If you don't do it someone else will. Bitcoin MYK uses a completely free model you can right now trade hive for. It is done, this is what it will move to. Not a matter of we can't afford to do it. It's a political block, similar to the block of why right wingers did'nt want to leave afghanistan now they complaining about us leaving, so this same ridiculous thought process. it's the similar psychological and cognitive disssonance that exist here on the blockchain.

Here's the bottomline. If i can go out with my own money create my own free system that uses a scot token and runs on platforms like hive and the system is completely free and every participant is equally valued based on what they do. When you speak about distribution when we have an algo that distributes so we don't have the distribution problem like you all that is a major problem that hinders your success. If i can do that with little ease and little cost. Best believe many other systems here in the near future will not only do it. They will do it successfully. It is not a question of if but when.

So i'm going to keep preaching this. Not because i fear certain people don't listen. I preach this because i know people are listening and will continue to listen. Soon this will end on the blockchain that is for certain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
