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Ahh yes but Ozymandias intellect did beat dr. manhattan. His manuever and manipulation forces him to become an enemy of the state and relocate to mars, lol. Eventhough no one liked what Ozymandias did.. He did make some punk moves..However, in the end Dr. Manhattan was still forced to reason with his logic
Over 72% of Americans support ubi. Globally Nearly 80%
how many crypto projects are you aware of that can bring in like 80% of the total global population?
So when the world's smartest termite comes in here acting superior, it's pretty obvious you aren't going to get anywhere.
A wise man once told me elephants don't bite but mosquitoes do
So where is your community? I don't see it.
We have over 16,000 low level kyc registered accounts and nearly14,000 wallets between hive and steem engine. I believe another 500 on bitcoin cash... Over 1000 on waves.. keep in mind the token gets wrapped so it has counterparts on several chains. just look at the commentary from our wallets in the comment section of this video
I think you asking the wrong question. It's not how much community we have in the sense of interaction. It's how many wallets we have in the sense of being a currency.. So i think you looking at this the wrong way. Think of tether and bitcoin. There is more of a interest in the wallet numbers and the currency than the interaction right.. you want to move value and money not so much make friends.. so it's about having the gateway and payment channels.
So i think it's the wrong question really.. it would have as much relevance as asking me does the us dollar have a community of people interacting.. it wouldn't matter the holding and transfer of the us dollar would be effective enough.
Anyone who claims to have a high IQ and then bases their personality around it means they are a total fucking idiot in one of the other categories.
Yes but this still has very little impact on iq
So again, where is your community?
Is it bigger than Hive?
I already know it isn't.
And Hive is tiny.
I'm sorry that the world's smartest termite does not approve.
I await your ace in the hole.
Send it.
So again you're not asking the correct questions. The nature of your questions to me is equivalent of being in 2009 and going well bitcoin sounds promising but because it's not many people there or it's not enough money in relation to the price it's under 1 cent.. that it doesn't make any sense. Believing factors of price or community at that time would not be indicative of bitcoin's success. bitcoin success comes from it just being a good idea same as bitcoin myk and meeting a provable need in our global economy.
The bigger question is can Hive be bigger than bitcoin myk. THe answer is a resounding no. Freemium services will generally always outperform paid services. Facebook can have 2.8 billion users because your use of the facebook network and abilities on there are the same as everyone elses and free.
Also bare in mind we're more deflationary than bitcoin. Bitcoin only has 100 million users. What's more incentivized. To be on the bitcoin myk network with over 2 billion users or be on bitcoin with only 100 million users. Why would i buy crappy bitcoin? Doesn't make any sense. it's almost as worse as buying hive.
Are you willing to bet not only a better financial situation but a better world against us? Yes some people stick around on hive because they are what i call short term gratification people. It's similar to the guy who dumps toxic waste in his backyard to save $10k in disposal fees but risk the health of his children. Yes we got those people on hive.. The cowards and fear mongerers who will say anything and kiss anyones ass to make a few bucks, lol.. sure but just be advised those very same people you all call a community... will stab you in the back first chance they get...That's why we go on the data and not what people say or seem to be doing.
To try to predict what people will do in teh future because they doing it now is like predicting what the peasants did leading up to the crescendo of the french revolution, lol.. like do you believe before they beheaded everyone they gave any indication they would? lol. had they have .. the french authorities would have rounded them up.. Which means this sir.. just because people pretend like your system is working doesn't mean they won't turn on you. Most people support our system sir they just fear retaliation from a few of you guys on the chain and they need to feed their families burt rest assure sir.. .that won't hold up forever and it won't grow your chain either.
Now when the explosion happens and it trickles down to us.. I predict projects like bbd coin and btcmyk will skyrocket based simply on metcalfe's law and the lack of tokens in circulation. So bitcoin has 21 million .. we'll have less than 5 million. Imagine potentially 2.8 billion people moving only 5 million coins. now hive can't even fathom numbers like this because the data doesn't support they'll ever possibly get them.
it supports us because over 80% of the globe wants this.. whereas only about 3% want crypto and the rest not incentivized nor cares to get in or not. We can help hive by sharing some of those wallets with the chain.. can't share them all for scaling purposes but hive could gain many from that. if they play ball. if they don't play ball we can choose pulse chain or bitcoin cash to focus our attention.. that's going to be up to you all. Also considering only 5 million coins the dumb participant enters when the price is on the move.. why would you want to pay thousands of dollars for a token you can now get almost free. So there you go. i hope that answers your questions.
and btw" being a lone wolf is as irrelevant as satoshi having a personality...a system grows based on need.. we've determined that 80% of the globe want ubi.. we have only determined that 3% of the people care about cryptocurrency. So don't worry our people will be here and some already here they just smart enough to suck you guys resources before they make a big move doesn't mean they with you all. You know why they here.. it's guys on your thread calling you boss from third world countries because they trying to get your money.. they don't care about hive or you...they just being yes men for the money... true community is there based on principle not short term gratification and i'm patient enough for that community.. apparently you all aren't and the price you pay will be forever being like a 200 place coin while we pull into the top 10, lol
Last but not least what you all call a community is just a few rich people on hive trying to protect their money by any means to the point the network doesn't grow or become significant..i'm far too ambitious for small clubhouse politics.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fucking fascinating!
I almost didn't read this but I'm glad I did.
I have a few disputes!
But it already is though.
As far as I can tell... Bitcoin MYK doesn't even exist.
Yikes you might want to look into that.
You've decided that you've already captured the entire worldwide market?
How ambitious.
Also this obsession with deflation is silly.
Deflation doesn't work.
It does not generate value or seed functioning economies.
Also this isn't a competition.
You're obsession with "winning" is misplaced.
We all win.
You aren't going to magically scoop the lion's share of value out of this network and into your own.
More questions:
Given my experience in these matters... your project will never work.
You will never EVER be able to eliminate the Sybil attack vector.
Never... ever... ever... someone will always find a way to scam you.
Identity is easy to come by.
Phones are easy to come by.
Even genetics or face recognition or iris scanners will be defeated.
You have not solved this problem.
But I'm VERY VERY curious to hear about how you think you've solved it!
Also, what do you want from me?
How can you possibly reconcile the conflicting narrative that I'm not worth your time?
Aren't you wasting all that big-brain time on little ol' me? Tick tock.
I'm truly flattered.
Clearly, I stand in the presence of a God.
But it already is though.
As far as I can tell... Bitcoin MYK doesn't even exist.
I feel like you're purposely being a bit disingenious though. As i asked you to look at the interaction of this video about bitcoin myk and all the wallets you see there alone. I'm not aware of one hive video with that much interaction on a site that gets billions of users a day.
so no comment on what the people with wallets think about bitcoin myk?
Bitcoin MYK does exist, the site is down for a few days during a security upgrade as well as i had to change my credit card info. everything will be back up and running in a few days. in the meantime people who want to post with us can do so here and earn bitcoin myk and bbd in their wallets.
hello bitcoin is deflationary...seems to work just fine...deflation works for the same reason stock splits work. people perceive more value when something is more rare.
You're obsession with "winning" is misplaced.
i disagree in a small crypto pool alot of money is going in the hands of a few people and the people are being abused and taken advantage of. i take it very personal
Wrong again most projects like ours already used decentralized id services where no one gets the data. We have a few ways to stop this issue besides that. We use social media keys attached to facebook accounts. Have you ever tried to get a multitude of facebook accounts? good luck with that. If you don't want to link your social media you can also use us on memo which requires you to do paid transactions which most scammers won't want to spend money to do.
Lastly decentralized id systems we'd use if that ever became a problem so you're absolutely wrong again.
Also, what do you want from me?
You're not the biggest whale but you have idk about $200k worth of hive in holdings.. I want you to care about your investment and start promoting projects like my own that can get the platform more valuable using our second layer solutions.. its no incentive to come to hive. only incentive is for a few writers to make $5 a day writing posts, money i'd struggle to buy a candy bar with per day.
I showed you stats of why 80% of the globe would be incentivized to join us... watch teh video i provided here in teh link go to the comment section. that's what i want from you.. i'm just wondering if you smart enough to understand it? First you need to be genuine and open your ears.. A few whales going around here making $20 a post not accomplishing alot.. yes splinterlands did well but it can't do it by itself. the fact of the matter is hive is a very easy blockchain to develop on. it doesn't have the smarts like ethereum using computer languages like solidity... it's second rate.. you need to play to your strenghts and focus on marketing and incentivzing people to get here..splinterlands can't do it by itself.. and some hope a dapp will hasn't happened yet may never happen.
So now that you know what i want.. are you going to do anything about it?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Curiosity killed the cat.
Okay so I did read it.
You must be joking.
How do you not realize that as the value of MYK increases exponentially this gives exponentially more incentive to Sybil attack the network? Seriously, how? It's EASY to make multiple Facebook accounts. I have to assume you're just trolling me at this point. This isn't a serious conversation.
Do you think you're the first one to try UBI?
This is not a new and exciting thing you are trying to do.
UBI inherently requires KYC, and KYC is inherently contrary to open-source crypto.
At the end of the day UBI cryptos think that they will scoop all the users because giving away money is the best way to get users. Somehow they fail to realize that billions of people dumping the token and no one actually buying it isn't a solution. If you want UBI to work people have to be willing to buy it, which is basically just subsidizing the poor because they know for a fact they are going to get dumped on.
You are not building an economy.
You're building a charity.
And it's not going to work either.
Please look up decentralized id systems sir
What are the ways to prevent Sybil attack?
Identity validation. withdrawals do require verification of valid accounts if they want free money.. as far as memo user interface works more like hive where individual users give up their coins to others on posts
Social trust graphs.
Economic costs. transactions cost on memo.. front end so that discourages scammers
Personhood validation. through social media keys and or decentralized id systems that are commonplace now
Application-specific defenses. coins are minted based on attention value and time energy. in other words activity
How do you not realize that as the value of MYK increases exponentially this gives exponentially more incentive to Sybil attack the network? Seriously, how? It's EASY to make multiple Facebook accounts.
Facebook estimates that 5 percent of its profiles are fake, or more than 90 million accounts, a figure that hasn't budged for more than a year.
Do you think you're the first one to try UBI?
first to try it this way as it forks bitcoin and imposes a tax on bitcoin to pay for it.. several bitcoin forks became billion dollar projects.
In conclusion only about 90 million facebook accounts were considered to be fake if you want to use that as an example. THe value of facebook is in the trillions... so my question to you is.. would you rather have a trillion dollar economy problem? or would you rather have a problem with maybe and i'm being generous here 10,000 active users with very low liquidity? I'm sure you're a smart guy
I bid you to go find any ubi program that is better put together than ours. we've tried everyone we tested came back and said bitcoin myk and bbd are the best ubi projects we've found to date.. we trade we have deflation they don't we fork bitcoin they don't.
trying to remove the coins once they are in a state of flux similar to hive upvotes before you're paid will intiate verification of your personhood. unless you're on memo then community members decide who gets what from their own stacks...charities and foundations are worth billions of dollars. we're a system we're not a ponzi scheme or pennystock like many of you guys look for.. we building an economic system not a get rich quick scheme and currencies are the best way to spread economic prosperity not store of value
You're not that naive to believe charities and foundations aren't worth tons of money are you?
stringent kyc matters are only for people just seeking free's still a bitcoin fork like any fork...and again the system can be used without id matters on memo... we also use a similar function to proof of humanity or juror groups who are elected not based on their stake or influence but identified community members who serve well can delete accounts through group votes. So we have many things in place to deal wtih this issue but no system is 100% not even hive.. how do you know witnesses won't collude? you don't know.. so none is perfect but if i had to choose one.. i'd 'choose the trillion dollar market cap problem and not the ranked 200 place coin problem.
in decentralized id systems nobody holds your personal data.. an ai identifies your personhood and stops sybil attacks.
it wil work you're wrong again.. our economy is shit.. we moving into ai and robotics where people not going to be seeking to fund projects anymore you behind the times my friend.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
anyway enough small talk. let's speak a language you understand. you control that dao or enough of it.. instead of helping to finance the making of a stupid movie nobody will watch.. you instead give us $70k through that system. bbd coin teh first certificate of deposit on hive.. we'll fork them to bitcoin holders.. before the get them the price of bbd coin will have enough liquidity added to it to get to over $1000 per coin... i suspect over 3 million bitcoin holders will claim their coins... they will realize not only do getting interest from their bitcoin per year make more sense but the equity they will bring over and be able to do free transactions is better than bitcoin. we'll become worth billions with millions of users.. pull up the hive price and you sir will be a billionaire..that's what i want you to do
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It takes 28M Hive to fund a proposal.
I control like 200k...
Writing a post on something maybe gets it another million?
I don't know why you think I have this much control over Hive.
I've never even submitted a proposal to the DHF.
I highly doubt it would be funded even if I personally submitted the application.
you're probably right but you see how big of idiots they are.. many bitcoin forks became billion dollar projects and even if 5% liked hive .. that's still like 5 million potential new users.. but you can't convince fools they are fools, lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes evil or ignorant men control that dao and they'll gatekeep and block me @edicted. sun goes down heroes eventually die, only to be reborn again and so shall it be but the likeliness of me quitting is just like this video watch this. i'm prepared to do this alone. i'm built for it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
People who fantasize about fighting haven't been in many (if any) fights.
You're way more transparent than you realize.
I know exactly how many times you wanted to fight and then backed down at the last second.
And it just sits in your gut gnawing at you.
Oh shit, how did I know that?
So weird, huh?
what? i was speaking metaphorically. it's a movie edicted.. relax. no point in grown men going around on buses fighting, lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta