My Entry Monomad Challenge #376 ~ Fisherman's Wharf Stained with Plastic Waste

Hello Hiver in Black And White Community

My entry this time is some pictures of black and white Photos

A few days ago, I visited a small pier in a fishing village. Usually, this pier is busy with fishermen's activities, but at this time the atmosphere felt quiet. The fishing boats are parked neatly, marking their holiday.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya mengunjungi sebuah dermaga kecil di kampung nelayan. Biasanya, dermaga ini ramai dengan aktivitas para nelayan, namun saat itu suasana terasa sunyi. Kapal-kapal nelayan terparkir rapi, menandakan hari libur mereka.

Friday is a holiday for fishermen there. This moment should be a time to rest and gather with family. However, the view at the pier actually made my heart sad. Plastic waste is scattered everywhere, polluting the beauty of the sea and disturbing fishermen's activities.

Hari Jumat memang menjadi hari libur bagi para nelayan di sana. Momen ini seharusnya menjadi waktu istirahat dan berkumpul bersama keluarga. Namun, pemandangan di dermaga justru membuat hati miris. Sampah plastik berserakan di mana-mana, mencemari keindahan laut dan mengganggu aktivitas nelayan.

As a journalist, I was moved to capture this scene. Through the photos I took, I want to show a wide audience the plastic waste crisis that is choking this fishing pier.

Sebagai jurnalis, saya tergerak untuk mengabadikan pemandangan ini. Melalui foto-foto yang saya ambil, saya ingin menunjukkan kepada khalayak luas tentang krisis sampah plastik yang mencekik dermaga nelayan ini.

Plastic waste not only damages aesthetics, but also causes a bad smell and pollutes the marine ecosystem. This of course has an impact on the livelihoods of fishermen. The fish they catch are threatened with contamination by microplastics, and damage to coral reefs due to plastic waste also disrupts the habitat of marine biota.

Sampah plastik tak hanya merusak estetika, tetapi juga menimbulkan bau busuk dan mencemari ekosistem laut. Hal ini tentu saja berdampak pada mata pencaharian para nelayan. Ikan-ikan yang mereka tangkap terancam tercemar oleh mikroplastik, dan kerusakan terumbu karang akibat sampah plastik juga mengganggu habitat biota laut.

One of the fishermen I met at the pier expressed his concern. He complained that plastic waste had become a scourge for them. Efforts made to prevent rubbish from being dumped in the dock area have failed. People's indifference to environmental cleanliness is a major factor.

Salah satu nelayan yang saya temui di dermaga mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya. Ia mengeluhkan bahwa sampah plastik telah menjadi momok bagi mereka. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah pembuangan sampah di area dermaga tak membuahkan hasil. Ketidakpedulian masyarakat terhadap kebersihan lingkungan menjadi faktor utama.

Through these photos and stories, I hope to increase public awareness about the dangers of plastic waste. I also want to encourage the government to take firm steps to overcome this problem, such as by implementing stricter regulations and sanctions for violators.

Melalui foto-foto dan cerita ini, saya berharap dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang bahaya sampah plastik. Saya juga ingin mendorong pemerintah untuk mengambil langkah tegas dalam mengatasi permasalahan ini, seperti dengan menerapkan aturan yang lebih ketat dan sanksi bagi para pelanggar.

Let us work together to keep the environment clean, for the sake of preserving nature and a better future. Remember, plastic waste is not only a problem for fishing piers, but also the responsibility of all of us.

Marilah kita bersama-sama menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, demi kelestarian alam dan masa depan yang lebih baik. Ingatlah, sampah plastik bukan hanya masalah dermaga nelayan, tetapi juga tanggung jawab kita semua

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It would be pretty cool if the entire community organized itself and at least once a month everyone would dedicate themselves to collecting that waste, maybe through your photographs you could carry out that idea


Emerging of mankind was the gratest of earth's misfortunes. Anyway, your photos are real work of art.
