We need more fields for our kids, more trees to breath fresh air!

We do not have enough playground in our city and most of the building's roof is limited to the landlords only. There are not much opportunities to the parents for their children. There are many schools around but those fields are not open so kids spent their time watching YouTube and get addicted to cell phone.


There are many reasons schools not allowing their fields to public and government didn't plan many playground in the city for kids.

You have limited choice for your kids if your earn to live only. There are few indoor playground in the city and not many people would afford them. At least 200 BDT per hour you need to spend only to play inside a indoor playground (no rides only manual activities). It is not much once per month but I could remember my childhood, we used to go to the field in the afternoon or play at our own yards! So why kids would wait for 4 weeks to play an hour ? Not justified!


I'm writing this while my kids are playing inside a indoor playground and I'm recalling my childhood. There are many ride my kids would be interested but I would have to say No! Just for money! It shouldn't be like this! But I know the limitations.

It shouldn't be like this! Kids should grow up with full facilities, if you have money you could have most of the facilities, how pathetic. I have seen many parks in London you don’t have to pay for the entry, you go & play, spend time with your kids or family.

There are many indoor playground for kids in this city, you go buy a tickets and play for specific time! Unlimited game time over for kids!

  1. AstroCade
  2. Babuland
  3. Toontoon
  4. Play House
  5. Play Town
  6. Fantasium
  7. Toggi World and many more allowing your kids to play indoor.

A field or open place doesn't refer to only a playground but some trees around. In Dhaka both open places and trees reducing as a risky way. There were many trees on the island between roads but in the name of modernisation these trees has been cutting down replacing little plants and decorative little trees. Reducing trees of the road government asking to make the roof green. There are many examples, many city breathe good air as they planned likewise, we still have chance and still plenty open places around and we should take care of them for our generation next.


London got 3000 parks which is covering 18% of London which is more than the rail and roads of it. Can you imagine how they think about the people living in it where Dhaka is cutting trees and I've found no replacement. The city already found itself on the top of the Air pollution map of the world.



I don't ask for hundreds of parks or open playground but we could take care whatever we have, many fields are unallocated and occupied by puissant people it is time to take care of thme so that kids could have a beautiful afternoon everyday. Besides, we should have to think about age group so that all groups kids get their chance to play.

Manage all the area and find if there enough playground for kids and got enough space for all kind of people to do evening walk, plant more tress where possible, bring new mud and plant trees and fill the fields with sandy soils and plant trees around. It requires no time to make the city greener, replacing soils is not a tough job. It is high time to do it, there is no time to think as we already late to make the city livable.

Thank you for your time!
