There Is No Planet B


There is a news I have found in the internet many days now! Especially in Facebook, if any uncommon news then it goes viral at Facebook easily.
I hope you hear about the news about selling land of Moon. Yes, you heard it right! Not only Moon! You could add the name of other Star but Sun. The Sun, would be bit hotter than other planet so they kept this star’s name out of the list! Lunar Embassy is the name of the Website where you would find this madness! If you think only Alien buying these lands, you are living in the fool’s paradise. People are literally buying these lands and getting a certificate and a map, even a passport of the land he/she bought.

Lunar Embassy ® | Mr. Hope Selling Land on the Moon & Mars Est.1980

We are wasting thinking there is a chance for Planet B for the future people. We are wasting our resources and making our planet worse than ever. The planet Earth now facing huge pollution and global warming showing its nature to it. I believe the amount of money we waste in the name of new planet is enough to make our ocean and air clean.


After; all these battles, still if we find a Planet B hundreds light years away from earth; do you think you would live there forever. No.
I think it is time to rethink about the process. There might not a second chance for the Earth so we need to act accordingly.

Minimizing the emission of Carbon dioxide, planting trees provides more oxygen, helping poor countries to minimize water pollution, making international law, monitoring, and helping to reduce where possible. The main part the world leader should think about it and work on it immediately.

International Climate Conference and related other project would not work until we start work immediately. World leader should think about the people of all countries as people of a nation then this work would be easier to them.

In the end, whoever bought lands for the dream of Planet B take my congratulations for wasting the money. Now, whoever did not buy please work for your earth do not be stupid thinking someone else would take care of the world for you.

Thank you for your time.

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