Batman would be at the top of my list!

Why? He has no superpower but brain and technology! I guess I'm right. If you look all these superheroes I found unnatural activities including Ironman! Although he is one of my favourites too. I do like Batman most due to his recovery from the fear!

A young child fall in some kind of cave in his own home area and got afraid of the Bats! The same child become man and replaced his fear into strength to make his city better then ever, we know him ad Batman!


There is a huge motivation in this character & each time I watch him to rise against those bats I feel something in my soul too! It is indescribable feelings which always creates positive energy. Bravery is common for superheroes so I would make this part as normal as common for all the heroes.

Batman Begins is really impressive!

There is another reason I do like him the most which is the weakness! Each of us got one or many weaknesses and we win when we overcome these weaknesses here I'm talking about out life! We have a life and we love to win so we have to overcome all the weaknesses by making them our strengths.

People judge by our characters so, they could easily predict what we going to do at some sort of situation and we fail to prove ourselves. Actually the difference would make when they are unable to judge your movement meaning you become unpredictable and you would tackle any situation with your unpredictable behaviour or actions. I fould Batman most unpredictable among other superheroes who play their common Shields to inactive or destroy their enemies.

The final big love is the word justice! Did you find Batman killed anyone?! Probably not, all the time he sent the evil people to the police actually. This is beauty, isn't it?!

This is my entry to the BDT shorts prompt organizwd by @bdc-shorts54 if you like to join please click in this link.

Thank you for your time!



Batman also known as the dark knight is a great character, he's neither a god or an alien.. his tech and intelligent helped him a lot, he's more like Iron man in Avengers..
