Mortal Kombat Gold - The first for Dreamcast (RETRO GAMEPLAY)


To close the year as far as Gameplays are concerned, I wanted to bring an iconic game in the fighting genre, Mortal Kombat needs no introduction, since it was released on the first consoles in the early 90's it always appeared and gradually increased its fame, but perhaps where it had more impact in principle was in the Arcade rooms. The version that I present today is Mortal Kombat Gold, this has the particularity that it was the first to be released for the Dreamcast console which in 1999 covered a lot of ground in terms of game quality and user preference.

This game did not bring anything particular or innovative in terms of menu options, it kept the same as its predecessor and frankly I don't think it was necessary to add anything else. For this demo I selected the Arcade option which is perhaps the most used among users.



I selected Liu Kang as one of the most renowned characters of the franchise and because I have always felt comfortable with his way of fighting, it is perhaps one of the most basic in terms of gameplay and that was convenient for this gameplay since the purpose is to show you how this game looks like. From the five available game difficulties I selected Begginer as I had a long time without playing and didn't want to leave so fast, so I at least tried to get to the middle of the top.



And well, the game is what it is, there are no major things to highlight beyond the fact that it is dynamic, fast and frantic, MK always had the quality of being fun and in this one there are no exceptions. It's easy to fight and hit, but it's also easy to get hit, so there's not much time to think about it. In this gameplay I didn't apply combos as I didn't want to waste your time while I was looking for them in the library, but I know it has many very impressive ones.






I invite you to watch the video to know or remember this jewel of fighting games, probably you have played any of its versions in one of the many consoles in which it is available, so surely many memories will come to your mind. I in particular was delighted with its gameplay and dynamism, so I'll probably come back with a few hours of gameplay to perfect my skills.



Herramientas usadas y fuentes / Tools used and sources:

- Video capture: OBS Studio
- Video edited with: CapCut
- Game: Mortal Kombat Gold (Dreamcast)
- Video recorded with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Gamepad: Joystick Logitech F310

- Translator: DeepL Translate
- Main image edited with: PowerPoint 2016
- Images of the post: Screenshots made on my PC
- mobygames profile


0.000 PAL


Madre mía @musicadreview hace años no veía el mortal kombat gold es como del 2000 lo jugué en play station 1, que aún lo tengo en mi cuarto 😁😄. Pero hace años no lo uso ya ni se si funciona.

En mi época de infancia era mucho los torneos Jajaja de niños, te hubiera retado a varias partidas bro jaja.

Saludos bien contenido me recordó mi juventud. Saludos crack y feliz navidad 😊🎄🎆🙏🏻!!!

0.000 PAL