The benefits of Mercury and its harmful effects


Mercury is a chemical element with the symbol 'Hg' and atomic number 80. Mercury is a liquid even under standard conditions for temperature and pressure. Mercury is mostly found in deposits around the world as mercuric sulfide. Spain and Italy are traditional sources of mercury. Some mercury is obtained from China, southern Peru and other places. Mercury is used worldwide in thermometers, barometers, sphygmomanometer, power buttons and other scientific instruments. Mercury is also used as a light.

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Mercury is used to clean many things, such as metals and for other physical purposes. Nitric acid is used to wash metals while mercury is used to treat skin diseases and this mercury has the ability to dissolve all metals in liquid and solid form which is called Amalgamation. Mercury dissolves easily with gold, silver and tin but it does not dissolve in iron or platinum due to the fact that iron is used to improve mercury.

Amalgamation is a method of refining gold and silver. Tiny particles of gold and silver are easily separated from sand and clay and dissolved in mercury and thus precious metals are easily obtained. Mercury is still used by Adam gold miners in the Amazon region of Brazil to extract gold from deposits. This method does not waste even 1% of gold.

Mercury is also used in the manufacture of industrial chemicals and electronics. This allows the maximum temperature to be determined. Mercury is also used in gas lamps and people spend a considerable amount of money to buy these lamps.

Batteries currently available for portable electrical equipment include carbon zinc and alkaline, lithium and silver oxide buttons and nickel metal hydride (NMH) and lead acid. Carbon zinc and alkaline give 1.5 volts to the cell circuit and it is suitable for most common purposes. Lithium cells give 3 volts. Silver oxide cells are small and expensive. Lead acid cells give 2 volts. NMH cells give 1.2 volts.

Mercury is an important part of our lives. Rising and falling temperatures are both harmful to humans and precautions are needed to avoid diseases caused by the effects of heat. By the way, man can feel the rise and fall of the temperature of the climate, but the thermometer made of mercury has made it easier for man to know the temperature of the human being. Thanks to this thermometer, human temperature can be easily detected and thus many diseases are being controlled.

The use of mercury is growing rapidly, its use is common all over the world, especially in thermometers. As the use of mercury increases, its disadvantages are also being assessed. Mercury is extremely harmful to human life. The main reason it is harmful is that it does not dissolve in water.

If the mercury is buried into the soil and then extracted, it will be the same as it was placed, that is, it will not make any difference, just as iron or other things rot in the soil. Thus we can guess how destructive the use of mercury in medicine is to human life.

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Mercury is having a detrimental effect on fish, birds, and mammals, including humans. These effects include developmental difficulties, abnormal behaviors, difficulties in productivity, and even death. A large amount of mercury enters the atmosphere through fuels, industrial processes and other natural sources and harms the environment. Mercury is completely absorbed into the bloodstream and damages all tissues, including the brain.

Mercury is also harmful to aquatic life and because humans eat seafood in addition to other foods, damage to aquatic life from mercury is also a major problem for human health. Mercury-contaminated water also contaminates seafood and many plants that thrive in water, including rice.

The harmful effects of mercury can be severe in pregnant women. These side effects are manifested in the form of discomfort in the lips, fingers and other organs. Other signs and symptoms of Mercury's side effects include personality changes, memory effects, fatigue, anxiety, depression, headaches, irritability, slow nerve conduction, weight loss and loss of appetite.

Metal mercury is used in many household products such as barometers, thermometers and bulbs. These devices contain a large amount of mercury but do no harm, but when the thermometer breaks, the mercury in it is absorbed into the breath and has a toxic effect.

This can lead to brain and kidney damage, heartburn, eye irritation, diarrhea and other skin diseases. Scientists believe that Mercury is the most toxic substance on our planet, it is even more toxic than arsenic, cadmium and lead.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) says that mercury is not a safe or good thing, but that it is extremely harmful to human health and harms the cells in the human body in various ways. The toxicity of mercury can be gauged from the fact that a small amount of it can damage trillions of cells in the human body in a very short time. We need to stop using it to prevent its side effects from escalating. As long as Mercury is used in daily life, not a single part of our body is safe.

Children around the world, regardless of their place of birth or income, have the right to receive the Mercury-free vaccine. It is wrong to urge developed countries to provide low or no mercury-free vaccines and to urge developing countries to provide mercury-containing vaccines. The use of mercury in medicines should be banned as soon as possible so that we can be protected from its harmful effects.

Thank you for reading! Stay Safe!👋😌
