How Minimalist Lifestyle can significantly benefit our life?
In the fast-paced world we live in, unfortunately, elements like simplicity and transparency are disappearing. As our life becomes more luxurious and artificial, so does the excitement, enthusiasm, and joy diminish within us. In the futile and pointless race to get everything, we are drifting away from real life emotions and feelings. While the advanced age is bringing a lot of ease in our lives, it is also taking away the peace and enjoyment from life in an imperceptible way.
Well-known British author, Richard Halloway, writes that simplicity, transparency and individuality are the qualities that give our lives energy, liveliness and happiness, as these are the three great fine arts genres.
Sociologists say that if we do not separate ourselves from the pursuit of a simpler life with luxury products, we will run and fall, exhausted, because there is no limit to luxury. As long as you are able to get a favorite item, merchants offer products beyond that. They keep you in this pointless and tiring race with incentives like season finale, buy one, get one for free.
If you want to enjoy real life, limit your desires, set priorities, set needs and spend time, energy and money just to achieve them. Unnecessary and unwarranted piles of unnecessary things around you take you away from inner peace.
The concept of minimalism (living with less and essentials) is becoming increasingly popular in the world. Sociologists say that you should keep only the things you need at home and in life. Take out most of the things you own so you can focus on the real purpose of life. We can follow some guidelines to save ourselves from the clutches of commercial and advertising agencies and adopt a simple and comfortable lifestyle.
Modern civilization has deceived us into believing that a good life is one that is full of all kinds of luxuries. The more you own, the happier you are. By putting people in the race for the best, the idea is being instilled in their minds that happiness and peace can be bought from a prestigious shopping mall, contrary to the fact that a lot of things can never guarantee happiness and peace.
The fact is that limiting yourself to the least things saves you from wanting more. Does this process tell you what is the center of your happiness? Appreciate relationships with yourself, calculate the blessings you have, and be grateful. If you do this you will have a wonderful life.
Our world is moving in a certain direction. One of us is in a hurry, running and the most stressful. We work hard for hours to cover our expenses, yet we are getting into debt every day. We run from one task to another, sometimes doing many things at the same time, but no task can be completed with full attention. Staying in touch with people far away through mobile phones and the precious relationships around us deprive us of time and attention.
When you control your desire for more, it puts an end to the rush of your life and frees you from the hustle and bustle of modern life. A simple lifestyle allows you to break away from this artificial world. It teaches to value only the essentials and important relationships. The goal is to make your life meaningful by removing the frivolity from your life. It emphasizes the intentional struggle that adds value to your life.
In modern times most people are living a double life. They are living a separate life with their family and a completely different life with colleagues and friends, neighbors. Their artificial lifestyle demands that they always give the impression of their better condition. In contrast, a simple lifestyle has one face and direction, it is united and permanent. It is a way of life that suits every situation. It is reliable, dependable and unchangeable. It is your partner in all situations. It has a clear and transparent strategy and takes you out of double life and back into real life.
We live in a world that celebrates celebrities. Pictures of these celebrities appear on the covers of various magazines, and their views and situations are broadcast on radio and television. Their lives are presented as a golden standard so that people can strive for the same standard.
Those who lead a simple lifestyle are not affected by this choice of media. They feel uncomfortable in the consumer culture that is being advertised by businesses and politicians. They live a life that is attractive and appealing.
While most people are chasing after success, luxury and fame, a simple lifestyle encourages us to look at it all in a calm, quiet and relaxed way. The goal is for us not to be part of this race, to be less expensive and more enjoyable. When we adopt a simple lifestyle, we realize that we have been running after the wrong things so far.
If you think that it is impossible in this day and age to give up luxuries and live a simple life, then this is not a good idea. A simple lifestyle does not mean that you have to leave the city and go to the forest and deprive yourself of all blessings. This means that you should not waste the beauty of your life in the pursuit of more and more.
Life is not a collection of things around you that you can never use or that you do not need. Life is about spending time with natural resources, blood relationships, friends, family. Decide realistically and live your life to the fullest with its true colors.
Thank you for reading! Stay Safe!👋😌