How Cloud Computing is solving big data challenges?
Cloud computing is a technology that uses the Internet to store data and applications. Cloud computing allows users and business people to use applications on any computer via the Internet without any installation.
The importance of the Internet is increasing with the passage of time, that is why most of the data can now be stored on the Internet. A few years ago, when computer or internet use was very low, people had to make paper documents while communicating was difficult. It is estimated that at least 60% of the world's population use the Internet today. Cloud computing technology is also made possible by the Internet.
With help of this technology, an unlimited amount of data can be stored on the Internet and a large number of users are taking advantage of cloud computing on a daily basis. Examples of cloud computing can be taken from mailing service providers such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. You do not need to install any software or server to use these services, all people can receive and send emails via internet from any common computer.
Cloud computing builds hundreds of software as a service, a service provider program or software application, hosts it on a data center and makes it available to thousands of users on the Internet. The user can use it with the help of browser. Cloud computing, as a service program provides application developers with a platform to use to design and run their own applications, such as WordPress or Google Web.
On-demand computing service is for developers and IT professionals. It provides the user with minimal raw computing and storage space and this facility is on demand of the user. If the user uses this computing power and storage space, the service provider charges the user in terms of time or storage. An example is Amazon.
Developers can use these services to create a variety of applications that can enhance their websites. Google Maps is a great example of a web service. Many organizations link the Google Maps web service to their websites for their addresses and other information. Cloud computing applications have also proven to be very useful for business people. Cloud computing has significantly reduced the cost of business applications, which has reduced the costs for companies.
In recent times, many websites have moved their data to the cloud, which has created the ability to store unlimited data and applications on websites. Companies are moving various tasks from data centers to the cloud. An important example of this is Google Commercial Mail, under which several organizations have switched their email services from Google Mail. Gmail, Google Calendar, Picasa, Google Docs and Spreadsheets are all part of the cloud.
Cloud computing does not require very powerful and expensive desktop computers. Because most of the work is done in the cloud, the desktop computer does not require much memory, hard disk and power. Nowadays, most companies' IT budgets are spent on purchasing powerful desktops, which can save a lot on cloud processing. When applications are switched from desktop computers to the cloud, they require less work, which can increase the capacity of the hardware.
Most companies spend a large portion of their budget on back office applications, i.e. on servers that store documents and send emails. As a result, these companies often face a shortage of storage space due to the increase in the number of computers and servers. In this case, moving data and computing to the cloud can get rid of problems.
Cloud computing reduces companies' IT budgets. For example, in the case of cloud computing, since very little hardware is required in the user's space, there is a significant reduction in the cost of maintaining the machines. In cloud computing software companies cover their expenses with the help of advertising so it is easy for them to provide cheap software.
Because the cloud is a composite of many computers, the combined power of all the computers involved in it, it sometimes provides good power full service even from an excellent high class server. Any document created on the cloud can be shared with others. Cloud computing provides a better security system. Implementing security on the cloud is easier than managing it on many computers in your office, and best of all, security is the sole responsibility of the organization providing you with the cloud.
We often forget the necessary office documents at home or office which we have to rush to get. If this file is shared on the cloud it can be obtained anytime anywhere and for that It is not necessary to use a computer, the cloud can be run from a mobile phone or iPhone.
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