[Live] PC Gaming with Bengy!
Game (Category): Mixed
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Alt gaming account for @bengy
Tharsis: Travelling to Mars...with dice.
I am mostly a PC Master Race gamer with a heavy emphasis on RPG, turn based tactics and strategy gaming. However, I do enjoy the occasional FPS shooter or walk-em-up. Third person stuff I'm not quite so keen on, but if it is a good game, then it is a good game! I used to do a fair bit of online League Of Legends, Team Fortress 2 and Counterstrike, but then I got too old and slow (well, I also started to tire of the hamster wheel and craved a return back to narrative driven games).
Games that I'm playing at the moment are BattleTech (with RogueTech mod), Control, Divinity: Original Sin, Vampyr, Pillars of Eternity, Stellaris, and Oxygen Not Included. However, I will just as often be playing an indie or non-AAA game as I'm always on the lookout for well crafted stories and gameplay!
This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv