The Effectiveness of Leoglossary on Hive Blockchain and Beyond



Leoglossary, an important too, brought to light, into use, and experience by boss @taskmaster4450le, has been a great tool for learning and unlearning not only on the hive blockchain but beyond too.

What is Leoglossary

According to the definition given on leoglossary page for the explanation of the term, Leoglossary LeoGlossay is a resource center that focuses upon areas of investing, finance, and cryptocurrency. This is a database full of terms that will aid people in their learning about such topics. Trying to explain this more, its been seen that leoglossary serves the purpose that a dictionary on a literal meaning does but the difference here being that it is segregated or confined to function on terms that relates Investment, Finance and Cryptocurrency.

Implication of Leoglossary On Leofinance

Taking a deep meaning and the relation of the meaning of leoglossary to leofinance community, the following are been observed;


Leoglossary tries to pull across the total, wholeseome and literal meaning of leofinance terms to a good explanation such that if a newbie on leoglossary is been intoduced or onboards, the understanding of the events and terms used on leoglossary wont be difficult to understand and cope along with.


Looking through on what leoglossary has to offer as pertains to its tenets, which include finance,Cryptocurrency,Investment and Web3 experiences in relation to threading, leoglossary does justice to what is involved in them all, not just the meaning in words but also the carry on as far as those words are concerned.


Leoglossary, a great tool for learning, can also be considered a great tool to draw traffic to the leofinance community, and this will also increase if other community members on hive blockchian tap on words linked to leoglossary in an attempt to find out more about those words.

Leoglossary to Hive Blockchain and to the World at Large

A fact about life is that learning never ends, and in the aspect of leoglossary, it adds more meaning to the above sentence. Looking through hive blockchain to see what it has to offer, both now and in the future, and not leaving behind what it has already birthed into experience for its users, adding leoglossary as one of its kids won't be otherwise because it's undoubtedly agreeable that hive blockchain created the platform, but right now leoglossary is helping hive blockchain in return.

This is made manifest in the traffic it generates for hive blockchain, considering the aspect of explaining words which sound hard and difficult to understand by newbies on hive blockchain, leoglossary is employed in that and it helps in that perspective, making leoglossary work for hive blockchain. Words like HBD,HP and many more just to mention but a few.

Our Line Of Action on Leoglossary

Despite the fact that leoglossary is already mounted on the hive and is here to stay no matter what, we have our own line of action to propagate and help the functioning of this be true to itself, and that is in our aspect of devotion to leoglossary.

Devote ourselves to leoglossary doesn't necessarily mean adding words to leoglossary, which we can't do directly, but rather indirectly, and the indirect aspect is done by commenting on a post written by the overseer of leoglossary, which is boss @taskmaster4450le on words which we feel or like to see as a term to be added. Believe me, inasmuch as the words befit to be added and the boss approves them, they will surely be added.

Also on the aspect of using words found in the leoglossary: Not just a mere writing of them but rather attaching the links to the meaning of those words will go a long way toward propagating the use of leoglossaries.

Am glad for where leoglossary is at the moment but then more is expected as all hands must be on desk to actualize all of its dreams, aims and aspirations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
