The World Does Not Need A Sacrifice
Sacrifice!!! That's a huge word to use. To sacrifice means to give something out despite not being convenient to do so. The first thing that comes to mind when asked if I could sacrifice my life for the world to become hunger-free and whatnot is that, we could all enjoy the season. As an average human, I have the propensity to be selfish. Every human does. No wonder an African proverb says:
Give man a hoe, he will make a heap of sand as ridges to himself. ~African proverb
I have learned about people who went all out to pay the ultimate price just to make life better for their benefactors but the truth is that nothing has since changed.
Why Hasn't The World Change After The Death of Jesus?
One of such people who came that we may have life and soften our sufferings was Jesus. Since Jesus died, life has only gotten worse. Every passing decade or millennium brings an untold level of suffering for humanity.
Hence, paying the ultimate price or sacrificing my life will certainly not end global suffering. Will my death lead to fertilization of the land around the globe? The answer is no. Will sacrificing my life lead to farm crops yield double? Will tomatoes and carrots start falling from the sky? Even if sacrificing my life will lead to the end of hunger in the world, is it that people will no longer be hungry or that there will be surplus food in the market?
I don't think it is wise to die after all. Wisdom is that we put in the right parameters to develop our agriculture rather than to sacrifice an innocent life.
Death of One Person Cannot Solve World Hunger.
Sacrifice of life is barbaric and must not be encouraged at all. In the colonial era in Nigeria, the Christian missionaries frowned seriously against human sacrifice, why would someone now prophecy that the death of one man will end hunger and war. That may be fallacious. The premise does not seem logical.
We have a lot of people who had lives at one time or the other and he made a lot of sacrifices but humanity is still in anguish. The earlier we begin to look away from sacrificing one's life to achieve a hunger-free world, the better.
What Does The World Need?
To have a hunger free world, the world needs to shun the attitude they pay towards agriculture and turn a new leaf. Haven't you heard that we are currently fighting a cold war? Yes we are.
The cold war is the war of armament. The superpower nations are busy building weapons of mass destruction to attain world political power. How I wish that the same measure of effort that has been put into manufacturing those weapons is employed towards agriculture, I can tell you that there will be surplus food around the world. And we all know that when something is in excess, it becomes cheap.
The world does not need human sacrifice to achieve good security neither does it need all lands to be sold out to real estate developers who only end up fencing the lands that ought to be used as farms without building structures on it. This is the primary reason why there is so much hunger in the world.
Whoever foresaw that I am the one that will heal has told a lie. The same lies that people like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Ken Saro Wiwa and many others were told and still the world has remained in a pitiable state. I am not ready to sacrifice my life. The one who saw it should dream again.
Hunger is currently one of the biggest issue the world is facing, i am glad to know there are people like you who can sacrifice themselves for this cause, hopefully one day, you will be able to help and support this cause on a larger scale.
If we are to consider within the scope of your perception, sacrifices made to better the world such as in the END SARS movement in Nigeria, we would not even blink at any sacrifice.
Nonetheless, we hope against hope that someday, the world would be a better place.
Many thanks, @pandex