

Mart Production

My neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Josh won't stop making me wonder. The wife is an average-height woman while the husband is tall. The first time they got me wondering was when the wife, out of affection, wanted to help the husband remove wool on his hair.

Hey darling. Come over, let me pull off that white stuff on your hair.

The husband without hesitation moved closer to his wife. She tried to get her hand on his hair but she wasn't tall enough.

You will have to go your way with the wool if you want to bend low so some hand could reach your head.

As simple as what she was about to do appears, they both spent a very long time arguing about it. I could not help but laugh until Mr. Josh agreed to finally do the needful.

However, in all that action, what one could see was love.

Every evening, we would spread out mat under the large bread fruit tree in the compound to catch some fresh cold breeze since it was the dry season, before retiring to bed.

One evening, we did not know what must have gone tong. Mrs. Josh served her husband his food. It was a plate of yam porridge. She did not serve the food with spoon.

While Mr. Josh waited for his wife to come along with spoon, she got stuck in her room. Probably, wearing some makeover.

This was the first time I would see Mr. Josh in his true temperament. He was fuming. At first, he did not say a word.

I thought he would go to the kitchen to get himself a spoon but you know, an African man would always want to prove a point. So, he waited.

Later, he stood up. You can see the but ing rage as he moved towards the door.

Today, you will tell me if that was how you were taught to serve your husband.

Mrs. Josh did not bother. She continued laying her Mary Kay and mascara.

Then, a heated argument ensued between both of them. I did not want to intervene because I thought it is a private matter. For me, it is a simple matter. I would have just walked to the kitchen, pick a spoon and consume my food.

Now, Mr. Josh began to put some act of violence. It was at that instance that his wife came out from the house. The fury was like a wildfire that she stood speechless as Mr. Josh fired on. In his anger, he said

Go and pack.....

Before he could complete the statement, Mrs. Josh's phone rang. It was her father that called. Her kind of phone has a big speaker. So, everyone one could hear what the caller was saying.

How are you dear daughter? And your darling husband?

She answered in the affirmative even though they were currently at loggerheads.

Alright. I call to tell you that I have asked my accountant to send $80,000 to your account. You will send $50,000 to your husband and keep the rest.

She was so elated. Mr. Josh too from where he was standing, ran into the kitchen to pick a spoon and ran out almost immediately. He began to toss the spoon in his hand before his wife's face as her father continued the conversation.

Also, I have shipped two cars to you. Your husband will choose one first, then you will take the other. I the Christmas holiday. Take care dear.

When the call ended, the whole place went dead silent. It was Mrs. Josh that broke the silence.

What did you ask me to go and pack?

Looking as Mr. Josh who was almost done eating the yam porridge. He replied her:

I said, you should go and pack all your dirty clothes out, I am in the mood to wash today. 🤣🤣🤣

This couple can make your day, anytime.

0.152 PAL


Women and this addition of makeover or looking beautiful in face 😔😔

0.000 PAL