Humility: One of The Seven Heavenly Virtues (Proofofbrain WOTW Season 5)


Magda Ehlers

Little did Kayode know that he was graduating from the university to face the most challenging period of his entire life. In Nigeria, most people go to higher institutions of learning to qualify for a good job. Over two decades now, the jobs aren't just available.

His hopes were high on getting a good job in Lagos, the commercial hub of the nation. Immediately after his one year compulsory service in the northern part of Nigeria, he returned back to his parents and began the life of a young adult.
Being a Christian, one that has encountered Christ, he was careful what he says to people or what he thinks about them.

The young man had applied for jobs in several companies and no one had called him for an interview or to employ him.

Having studied economics at the university, he thought he could get a bank job. One evening, while he went to read up the usual sports newspaper at the vendor, he saw an opening for a job at a popular logistics company. Kaylee thought of trying out his luck this time around.

The next morning, he suited up with a white shirt and black tie to the logistics office at Lekki, a high brow community in Lagos.
There were seven of them that applied for the job. They set to interview them, and Kyofe came top but the son of the director of the company was rather chosen.

Since there was an opening for a gatekeeper, Kayode asked that he be given just anything that he could do, at least to stay away from home. At this time, he had spent two years without a job.

The director obliged him and he resumed the job of the company gatekeeper. He was so diligent at his work. Despite being a graduate, he would run errands for some workers who would have been junior staff if he was gainfully employed.

He does his job without a fear of favour. Before you knew it, he became very popular for his humble nature. He was very lowly to everyone.
What the Director of operations first noticed was that the clerk in his office called the gate to allow a truck into the premises and the response from the gatekeeper was all in:

Okay, sir.

Alright, sir.

One rainy morning, he found a green file in his pigeon while at the office and he saw a very vital document in it. The document is a blackmail for the company by another logistics firm and Kayode knew how all these things worked. So he made a cover up for the company through his mail back to the sender.
That same day, the manager who had already received the mail, came into the premises, looking worn out and agitated in his clay-covered utility car.

Maddy Freddie

Kayode greeted him but the manager did not respond to the greeting. But he never minds. When the rain had subsided, Kayode took a bucket of water and washed the car.
After that, he sought the attention of the manager who refused him the opportunity. In the manager's mind:

What good can come from a mere gatekeeper?

Since he couldn't force his way through, he rather sent the green file through the Receptionist to the manager.

When he saw it, he became very sick and sweat covered him. After giving it much thought he walked down to the gate and was shocked to see that his clay-covered vehicle had been washed.

Kayode then narrated to him how he had responded to the blackmail and that the sender had backed out of the devilish intentions.

That day, he received his promotion from being a gatekeeper to the operations manager of the company. His humility has paid off, at last.

From the foregoing story, we can deduce the benefits of being humble.

Significance of Humility

God Himself exalts the humble

James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Holy Bible

The humble increase in wisdom

Proverbs 11:2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

Holy Bible

In the kingdom of God, the humble is the greatest.

Matthew 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Holy Bible

This Christian virtue is as important as others. It is one of the evidence of receiving the new birth. Lowliness of the mind and being sober is the reflection of possessing the spirit of God.


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0.001 PAL


That's a nice story. His humble nature along with his consistency at work and sincerity with his master paid him what he deserved

0.000 PAL

That's why we should not allow pride control us. With humility, we can turn a planned or bad situation around.

0.000 PAL

Truly, it always pays to be humble.. And we hope it works for us one day

0.000 PAL

The rewards of humility is u quantifiable. We should never allow pride overtake us.

0.000 PAL