Dramatic Expression
Today will definitely nit come to an end without mentioning those beautiful experiences that made the scenes. First, it's our sixty-second national independence celebration and diverse events had been lined up as presentation for the celebrations but it did not go as planned.
On Saturday, the first day of October which was independence day celebrations, the events took another shape because the truths had been caught up by a stronger force. Though, that had been discussed in my last post. The parade ground witness a very scanty attendance. What made it entirely sublime for me is the fact that some youth made a drama presentation in the church today, giving the exact picture of our national life.
This picture girls to tell that while the Nigerian youths are in deep slumber, they are being fed with a lot poison which keeps them mute in the face of u palatable situations.
It was depicted that a nation first responsibility to secure lives and property without which the purpose of agreeing to be a nation is forfeited.
while asleep, the youths were fed with idiomatic food of corruption, moral decadence, and so on.
Tossed up and down, the youth is held down in the claws of a clueless government. Hence, rendering their desires hopeless.
The guy in black is acting the role of the devil. Always available to accuse. Once you dine with the devil, he dictates what happens to you and how it would happen. Any man who is the care of rhe devil is vulnerable to all the misery of life. The drama depicted to us the real.reason why we as a nation is so stagnant in the fave of our numerous discovered natural resources.
There are over forty-five natural resources in our nation. All these resources are in quantum sizes that could become the life wore of any nation in the world but we are too blind to see what we could turn the resources into.
Just like the brother of the biblical Joseph who became angry that they were unhappy with Joseph the dreamer as they called him.
Joseph had dreamed that he saw the eleven stars, including the sun and moon, bowing to him. Because of hatred for their brother, they recused to understand that they were stars too.
The hatred continue and the sold him into slavery. This is what hatred does. It make the one who hates become blinded by his greed. The dream of Joseph was simple enough to understand but his brother could not read the lines that the eleven stars in the dream was them.
Like a man once said:
loving your neighbour, even tour enemy, makes them tour brother.
Love conquers all. We should show live to one another and not to love one and hate the other.
Let's learn to care for our nation and be ready to make sacrifices for her. Until them, nothing changes.
Let me use this opportunity to say that we are Nigerians and we are proud. It is our motherland and there is no country in the world like ours. You can say the same for your country too.
Arise Ocompatriots
Nigeria's call obey, to serve our father land, with love and strength and faith, the labour of our heros past, shall never be in vain, to serve with heart and might, one nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.
It is great to be able to identify with your country. That's one of the obligations you own you country. Hence, be a good patriot.
Happy 62nd independence cebrations to tie most populous black nation in the world, Nigeria.
Happy Independence Day
Happy Independence to our Dear Country we hope for the Best 🙏