Choices ~ #87 Ink Well Prompt



Television series wasn't her thing but when It comes to TinselTerena ensured to complete her chores before the series began every night at 8:30. Everyone knew she loved the tv series, so the remote is always in her palm.

It was the eighty-seventh episode of Tinsel. In the last episode, Halita accepted to date, Carl. She was the house help and Carl, the only son of Chief Bantefa, the chairman of the Sherry Group of companies. Halita had always considered her bossy madam, the mother of Carl and the only wife of Chief Bantefa.

When the time for the series to begin, Terena would sneak into her room and would lock the door from behind until one hour later when the television series had concluded. It was easy to say that Terena loved this tv series.

As the series began, Terena settled in the cushion in her room as the guys were busy watching the champion league match. None of the guys would accept to watch the series in place of the football match.

As the series begins, Carl had been served food as well as other members of the family when he cleared his throat and said:

"Dad, mum I am considering settling down to family life. I am not growing any younger." Chief Bantefa stopped eating for a while and looked at his wife.

"Your son suddenly realized that he is old enough to get married, Isn't it?" That's a good one anyway. Carl's mother was so elated. She could wait. "Son, who is the lucky lady?"
"Bring her home so we could get to know her."

Meanwhile, Halita was busy eavesdropping on their conversation. She saw that their conversation was smooth. She however developed goosebumps when madam requested that the lady be brought home for dinner so that they could get to know her.

It was daybreak and everyone in the house had gone about their normal business. Carl came back to pick Halita to the saloon to fix her hair and shop for new clothes. He wanted her to appear beautiful before his parents and the least he could do is to clean her up. After the day out for hair and cloth shopping, Halita returned home to complete her chores and prepare dinner for the family.

When everyone had returned home in the evening and the table set for dinner, Chief Bantefa and his wife were expectancies. They want to see whom their son would be getting married to.

After Halita had served the table and went to her room to change into her new clothes, Carl went in to bring her to the table to officially meet his parents.

Now, Terena had started to feel cold, knowing that Chief Bantefa and his wife may not welcome Carl's choice for a wife.

As Halita completed her dressing and makeover, the broadcasting station went on to make an advert. Perhaps, a way of keeping their viewers in suspense. Half an hour is already gone. It was usual that there would be adverts.

Serena went out to get a bottle of chilled drink before the series will come back to the screen. She went out hastily through the lobby to the kitchen but she met Bolu who was frowning because his team was a goal down and had also gone to the kitchen to catch a bottle of cold soda.

Bolu tried to engage Terena but she was not ready for any chitchat because she can not afford to miss any scene of the series. She hurriedly went back to her room and sat on the cushion with her duvet covering her chest, waiting to see the reaction of Chief Bantefa and his wife at the appearance of the innocent girl, Halita that Carl had fallen in love.

Carl held her with his right hand and led her to the dining table.
"Dad, mum. Here is the woman of my dreams."
Her spoon dropped off her hand. Mrs. Bantefa could not find it, she exploded.

"What do you mean?" "Our house help is the one you fell in love with?" She spoke in anger and at the top of her voice.

As she was raging, Chief Bantefa kept calm and asked Halita to have a sit but she dares not because madam was still raging.

Her anger took the best of her as she refused to listen to her husband. Carl just kept hold of Halita who had started to fidget.
Chief sipped a glass of water and left the dining to his bedroom upstairs. That night, everywhere in the house was cold because no one was happy about what had transpired.

Carl asked Halita to keep calm and that everything will be sorted out soon.

Everyone had gone to sleep. At midnight, Halita secretly packed her belongings and sneaked out of the house not to be seen again. Then, the episode ended for the day.

Terena sank into the cushion trying to figure out what would happen in the next episode. Would Mrs. Bantefa be calm enough to allow Carl to settle down with his choice? Would Chief Bantefa allow his wife to have her sway?

She reluctantly opened the door and left for the living room where Bolu's facial expression had gone worse than when she saw it the last time he came to pick up a bottle of soda from the refrigerator in the kitchen. She needed no one to tell her that Bolu's team was defeated in that match.

0.039 PAL


Watching exciting tv dramas always puts you on the edge of what is to happen next. I wonder if Carl and halita could be together in the next episode.

0.000 PAL

I hope to a second part to this fiction but it won't be here.

0.000 PAL

@mrenglish this article is full of suspense and it is very interesting to read. Please continue with a good job!

0.000 PAL

The girls escape into her show almost feels like a way to separate herself from the other energies of the house, to have her own feminine space to dream, in the house of many football games 😁

Thanks for sharing your take on the prompt, I enjoyed the unique viewpoint!

0.000 PAL

Now I'm hooked on the series. Still wondering what would happen to the love birds. This is well-written, painting a picture of two separate worlds' existence not only in the TV series but also in the real life of the young FL.

0.000 PAL

I can totally relate to Terena aa well as the guys watching sports. I have always loved being entertained by the television since I was young and have followed sports teams in professional sports. This is a nice and creative way to tell a story. It's like a story within a story. Thanks for sharing it with us. I enjoyed reading. !PIZZA

0.000 PAL

A story within a story. It was very good. I was left wondering what happened to Halita in the next episode.
Regards @mrenglish😊

0.000 PAL

You can imagine the suspense I have been now😅 wondering what would happen to halita

0.000 PAL

Quite an interesting series. I'd really love to know if Halita returned back to Carl though.
Great story too.

0.000 PAL

This is an interesting approach to a story, @mrenglish. The young lady is so caught up in the fantasy of her television series that she almost blends it into her own life. Meanwhile, in the rest of the house 'the guys' are totally wrapped up in a ball game. In one room a character is lost in fantasy, in another characters are lost in the emotional energy of another kind of fantasy.

Your imagination worked well for you today, @mrenglish. Thank you for sharing this story with us. We appreciate that you engage with other authors in the community.

0.000 PAL