A Child's Behaviour Is Modelled By Self, Society, Government and The Home
I agree with the point that charity begins at home. In this context, the home here does not mean the four walls where the child is born, it goes beyond that. This is how sociologists come about the thoughts that agents of socialisation sponsor a grain of attitudes like molecules that grows up in an individual as time goes on.
In a society, where littering the floor is prohibited and culprits are treated with sanction, everyone watches his or her attitude not to be caught in the web. The reverse is the case where the society only pays lip service to such a "crime".
You will agree with me that a child,though from a home, spends more productive time outside the home. As such, the child learns directly or indirectly from society. In this case, the society could be a school, church or mosque, playground or recreation centre and so on.
Parents are most liable to be held responsible but the child is faced with the right to choose. Most times, the ability to imbibe what has been taught by parents may not be strong enough to live up to expectation from the child because of peer pressure and societal norms which overrides what has been taught at home.
The Family, Society and Government Share In The Blame.
I would like to speak as a Nigerian here.
To be frank, this topic ought to be taken more seriously than only writing and making it stop here.
When the society fails to shape or instil the right attitude by example, do not expect the child to do any better. This is not to say that we should not do the right thing in spite of all the anomalies that have been paraded by leaders and the older generation.
In the home front, the child is bombarded with so many dos and undos. What should matter the most is that parents should live by example? Most parents want their wards to become what they themselves are not, forgetting that the children have traits from their parents. As a parent, it takes the grace of God or extraordinary discipline to see a good child emanating from bad parenting. In most of such cases, the biological parent of such a child may not be his/her role model.
Haven't you noticed that society is indulging in internet fraud? Yes, most fraudsters live with us, yet we pat them in the back and even share in their loot. When this happens, it serves as an encouragement to them to do more. It is rather unfortunate that society has become a menace to itself. The high level of indulgence the society operates these days has led to the high rate of misbehaviour among young people.
The government is the most responsible factor for people to misbehave. I am so tired of reading newspaper reports about young people who do drugs. This is just one example among tens of other examples that can be sighted. The agency of government has become so corrupt that it even helps criminal elements go have a smooth ride. There is hardly no drug cartel syndicate that does not have a connection with the security agents.
Through bad policies of high late unemployment, recycling of old and tired politicians whose only interest is their pockets, and many more misdeeds of the government, a lot of youths have lost hope and have resorted to negative attitudes.
Generally speaking, no factor is good enough to make an individual misbehave. Everyone is supposedly knowledgeable of right from wrong and should live within the ambit of the law.
Many thanks, @pandex
You are right on point. When a society is corrupt, it greatly affect the child too. Also, parents must practice what they teach and not enforcing something they don't do on a child.
You got it. In out days, what we end up doing is to tell our children how to behave and we the parents are far away with some awkward behavior. We should be to the truth that as parents, we are the mirror the child looks at to see whom he is.
You are right. Parents need to do the right thing. Children would be the best when they see their parents practicing what they also preach.
Well said!!
Thanks again.