Introducing Threads by LeoFinance: a Curation Collaboration With The Motherhood Community [ENG – ESP]

Authored by @victoriabsb

Motherhood covers.png

Let's Tweet Thread Away...

it will catch on, just way and see

This post is both in English and Spanish, puedes it directamente al español dando click AQUI

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Hi moms and dads! We come we an exciting announcement of a collaboration with the amazing @leofinance team.

Project Blank is Live – a.k.a Threads

As part of their Everything App the Leo team made a Microblogging site where you can make Threads, similar to Twitter, with the adds-on that only Hive Blockchain can provide. Read more about it on the Proyect introduction post here

How it works

  • Make a Thread, not a Post, on the technical side of things, you won’t be making a post in the blockchain when you make a Thread, and that is a plus so they won’t be showing in your regular Hive Blog (or peakd, Ecency, Etc…).

You can go to and just Thread away.


  • Any Topic is welcome, unlike Leofinance which is about a Finance niche only, threads allow any type of content, since is for microblogging it only allows 240 Characters per thread and you can add photos.

Is in an Alpha stage so, you can collaborate with detailing any bugs or issues you may find, giving feedback from your experience is important since this will only help make Threads better.

Motherhood covers (1).png

Lions made with Midjourney

a Curation collaboration Leofinance x Motherhood

So, you may be wondering why is this something our community is promoting. We are collaborating with the Leofinance team with the curation of Motherhood / Fatherhood content made in threads.
We have received a Leo Token Delegation for curation, and we are going to be on the lookout for content created by motherhood community members to curate.

What we will be looking out on a thread for curation?

As with all content made in our community and by our members.

  • Originality (obviously not plagiarism or copy/paste). Also, a big plus for more originality when making a thread.
  • Content of the thread needs to be more than generic.
  • There are 240 characters used them wisely.

Just have fun and Thread organically, since this won’t be making a post on your Hive Blog, you can actually use it more frequently and share your everyday Motherhood or Fatherhood life more easily and fun, but be careful not to fall into Spam territory.

Post Promotion
If you made a post on our community you can promote it by making a Thread but the rules above also apply to this, make sure you give a brief description about what your post is above when sharing the link to it, if you only drop the link it will be considered Spam

Our Tags

We will be on the lookout for our tags we have 2 officially #MotherhoodOnHive and #FatherhoodOnHive but if you are running out of characters you can always use just #Motherhood or #Fatherhood as we will keep an eye on those too!


Do leave in pour comments any questions or doubts you may have about this or better yet make a Thread and tag us @motherhood so we can see it and answer you there!

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¡Hola mamás y papás! Llegamos con un anuncio emocionante de una colaboración con el increíble equipo de @leofinance.

Project Blank ha sido lanzado, también conocido como Threads

Como parte de su Everything App, el equipo de Leo creó un sitio de microblogging en el que puede crear contenido, similar a Twitter, con los beneficios que solo Hive Blockchain puede proporcionar. Lee más en el post de lanzamiento del proyecto Aqui

Cómo funciona

  • Haz un Thread, no un post, en el aspecto técnico de las cosas, no harás una publicación en la cadena de bloques cuando hagas un thread, y eso es una ventaja para que no se muestren en tu Hive Blog habitual (o peakd, Ecency, Etc...).

Puedes ir a y simplemente empezar a hacer Threads.


  • Cualquier tema es bienvenido, a diferencia de Leofinance, que se trata solo de un nicho de finanzas, los threads permiten cualquier tipo de contenido, y dadoa que es para microblogging, solo permite 240 caracteres por thread y tambien puedes agregar fotos.

Se encuentra en una etapa alfa, por lo que puede colaborar detallando cualquier error o problema que pueda encontrar. Es importante brindar comentarios sobre su experiencia, ya que esto solo ayudará a mejorar Threads.

Motherhood covers (1).png

Lions made with Midjourney

Una colaboración Leofinance x Motherhood

Entonces, es posible que se pregunte por qué es algo que nuestra comunidad está promoviendo. Esto es dado a que estamos colaborando con el equipo de Leofinance con la curación de contenidos de Maternidad/Paternidad realizados en Threads.
Recibimos una delegación de Leo Token para la curación y estaremos atentos al contenido creado por miembros de nuuestra comunidad para curarlos.

¿Qué buscaremos en un hilo para la curación?

Como con todo el contenido hecho en nuestra comunidad y por nuestros miembros.

  • Originalidad (obviamente no plagio ni copiar/pegar). Además, un gran plus mientras más originalidad tenga a la hora de hacer un Thread al momento de curar.
  • El contenido del thread debe ser más que genérico.
  • Tiene 240 caracteres uselos sabiamente.

Solo diviértete y crea Threads orgánicamente, ya que esto no será una publicación en tu blog de Hive, en realidad puedes usarlo con más frecuencia y compartir tu maternidad o paternidad de manera más fácil y divertida, pero ten cuidado de no caer en Territorio de spam.

Post Promotion
Si haces una publicación en nuestra comunidad, puede promocionarla creando un Thread, pero las reglas anteriores también se aplican a esto. Si solo colocas el link al post y no haces o añades una descripcion del contenido dentro del mismo, se considerará Spam

Nuestras etiquetas

Estaremos atentos a nuestras etiquetas. Tenemos 2 oficialmente #MotherhoodOnHive y #FatherhoodOnHive, pero si te estás quedando sin personajes, siempre puedes usar solo #Motherhood o #Fatherhood, ¡ya que también los vigilaremos!


¡Deje en los comentarios cualquier pregunta o duda que pueda tener sobre esto o, mejor aún, cree un Thread y etiquétenos @motherhood para que podamos verlo y responderle allí!

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As always, thank you very much for reading us,
We hope to read your comments!

¡Como Siempre, Muchas Gracias Por Leernos Y Esperamos Sus Comentarios!

Picture Credits: All images are of the curated author's property or ours unless said otherwise, the emojis are made with & Icons with icons8

Introducing: #Motherhood, The Community for Moms on The Hive Blockchain

Are you a Mom or a Dad? Of a human or a Cat or a Dog or of anything? Join us in our Community!
To learn more about the Community please read our intro post and you can also join in our discord server

Proud Member and Supporter of The Minnow Support Project, If You Are Not Yet on The Community What Are You Waiting For?? CLICK below!!!
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0.294 PAL


Las alianzas entre proyectos son ideales, me parece genial. Pasaré por "threads"
Muchas gracias por compartir.

0.000 PAL

Sharing short texts about anything you want and getting rewards for this is wonderful🤩

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Me encanta esta nueva idea ya que he visto que es tendencia en otras redes sociales y lo mejor que podremos hacer hilo de nuestras experiencias como padres, muchas felicidades por esa nueva opción y les deseo muchos éxitos 🥰

0.000 PAL

Me parece muy interesante este nuevo proyecto. Espero salga todo muy bien

0.000 PAL

Excelente! Un nuev alianza para nuestros trabajos. Pasos firmes, éxitos en este nuevo proyecto. ❤️

0.000 PAL

Welcome aboard! This is such a great way to gain exposure, expand the community, add some creativity to threads, and earn a little extra along the way. Seriously, thread anything you want. LeoFinance is no longer a "crypto/finance only" place. Obviously long-form blog posts remain that way, but threads is for everything, literally. The more users the better it is for the entire Hive ecosystem.

So, add your voice to the mix. Throw down a haiku, what you had for breakfast, or a picture of your cat. Link your own work or someone else's you find interesting. Doesn't matter. It's all good. Obviously there are lots of mothers and fathers using threads right now so this is a great way to expand the reach of the community.

Use the hashtag (#) #motherhood / #fatherhood and/or other appropriate hashtags so your threads can be found by others in the community if they don't see them live.

Hope to read some cool stories moving forwards.

Hive is the Way.
LeoFinance, the Gateway.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Oh, I see that the #LEO guys managed to convince @victoriabsb! That is not an easy task. She is more used to giving orders, lol.

Welcome to Threads #motherhood community!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

HE sucumbido a la presion social de ser parte! el FOMO is real!

0.000 PAL

"El FOMO is real!" 😁🤙🏽 I like that, this sounds great! 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Wow, this is really a big win for the community, that shows the progress of the community. Kudos to they community team.

0.000 PAL

Welcome to Threads dear moms and dads, its a cool place to share (thread) short content instead of making a post all the time. You earn leo rewards, generate engagement for your content and establish new connections. Looking forward to your kid-raising threads! Welcome home!!! Lets start threading right away!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Welcome to Threads.

I've started imagining Mother and Father's keeping eye on babies #threads hehe. That would be fun.. isn't?

Great to hear this announcement. Welcome Again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Threads is opening a whole lot of space for communities to come together and thrive along. Would be great to read parenting hacks or any other tips and stories through threads.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

YES! tips and fun facts about parenthood are a good idea for making threads, I'm so excited to see what people creates!

0.000 PAL

Doing my first #FatherhoodOnHive Thread, it's a post share, but I'm thinking on other stuff I could possibly do and share, this is going to be interesting :)

0.000 PAL

Thank you for understanding thread better from you.

0.000 PAL

Fantastic to see Motherhood jump onto the threads movement. I rekon I can come up with a post that covers both motherhood and finances and we can share on threads.

Keep up the wonderful work

0.000 PAL

the good thing is you dont need to make it finance related tho parenthood is soooooooooooo finance related lol Kids are EXPENSIVE! we would love to read some good threads about all sorts of parenthood stuff, especially funny everyday moments you may share with your kids!

0.000 PAL

Hahaha yes! Kids are expensive on their own. Every post is a financial loss 🤣🤣🤣 I have a good relevant one to do with parenting and this current inflation issue. It is so hard atm.

0.000 PAL

Welcome Mothers & Fathers, Madres y Padres, this campaign to spread the news about #threads brings communities to my attention i never new existed, very interesting. Is there a baby meme invasion imminent? 😉🤙🏽

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Wow, motherhood community is always on point 👌, this is a sweet news . I am going to be participating sharing my experience with the #threads.
Amazing 😍

0.000 PAL

Good to see that their is a community called motherhood , Leofinance and threads are definitely bringing out lot of this most of us never know existed out in the community

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

it is great to see communities rising up to the occasion. 🙏 welcome 🤗

0.000 PAL

Motherhood always rises to the occasion 😉

0.000 PAL

This is such a wonderful thread 🙂 thank you for the invitation. ❤️☺️

0.000 PAL

thanks for detailed information regarding threads...

0.000 PAL

Welcome, just yesterday I recommended your community to a new member of the Brazilian community, I believe that if she focuses on starting with everything in the hive she will love your community!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Welcome to threads! I must say I am not very familiar with the community, but I do use threads regularly. So I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of the community now :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Thanks for this post and thanks for putting the link! I will copy and paste the link and try it right away

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

It's great to see communities supporting and spreading the word about each other. It's these bonds that define what Hive is all about!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Me encanta esta nueva idea, poder compartir textos cortos e igual obtener recompensas

0.000 PAL

Well, and interesting thing about this Threads Campaign, I didn't even know there was a motherhood community! Now I do!

Welcome to #threads, can't wait to see you there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

there are over 2000 communities so is hard to know them all lol, but is nice to see Leofinance opening to niches and Threads is so easy and fun to share everyday content so I'm sure a lot of our members will be using it!

0.000 PAL