The kids are fishing, my entry to today's Monomad Challenge.


This week I went out of the city again, the idea was to go hunting and so we did, although this time it was not so much about doves but turtles, also this time there were more children at my uncle's house, so they also went with us to the hunt and that is what today's three pictures are about, I didn't take many pictures because there was a lot of dust and dirt so I didn't want to change lenses to avoid dirtying the sensor of my camera again.


I could fill the post with other pictures that I took, but they would only be that, a filling, the story of these three pictures is more consistent as it is about how the kids are learning about hunting, or rather fishing, as they were in charge of taking care of the lines that were in the river waiting for those big turtles which never came, only small turtles that we returned to the river.


The place was perfect as we were under the shade of the trees in what looks like a small jetty for the pangas, of course as it was really hot I didn't want to separate from the cooler where the beer was haha, but from time to time I got up to take pictures.


After being there for a while and seeing that the big turtles were not coming we decided to move to another place where I took other pictures, but those are for another post as they have a different story, by the way I love the way the kids were taking care of the fishing line.


Estás fotografías son maravillosas @monster-one, en lo personal lo mejor que he visto en BN/BW
El lago, los niños, las sombras, la perspectiva del fondo. Que lindas de verdad. Me encantan🤗


Muchas gracias, la verdad es que estoy casi seguro que si hubiera planeado las fotografías no hubieran quedado como lo hicieron, creo que lo que llama mucho la atención es que intenté dejarlas lo más natural posible sin muchas correcciones, sin añadir y sin quitar elementos y por lo tanto nuestros ojos nos dicen que es una escena cotidiana en la cual desearíamos estar, fue una buena experiencia.
