Looking through a different perspective


Urban life is about experiencing new things. Urbanites are fascinated by change and innovation. They don't dwell on the past because it will always be there, waiting for us.


The future belongs to all those people who aren't afraid to see the present moment with fresh eyes every day.

The city deserves a fresh review of its order. New patterns are emerging that are turning cities into thriving hubs.


Stars in the sky and lights in the night due to new kinds of urban furniture featuring unique shapes and colors which create novel atmospheres are giving life back to entire districts. All around you a new world is evolving - from grunge to style in just a few years.


For city dwellers, this is coming at a convenient time. They get more fresh air and feel more energetic each day by connecting with different people, doing some activities, or going on discovery tours.

The past is always around us even though we might wish we could turn back the date on it quickly. On the other side, there's no point in looking too far ahead because then we

Urban life is exciting. There are people everywhere: people on the street, people inside of cafes and restaurants, people recharging across coffee shops, people changing into an outfit at a clothing store, busy escalator as a walker passes by, someone challenging you to a video game at the arcade. It’s energizing and tiring to be in such an extreme environment.


Increasingly there is urbanization where rural areas merge with urban areas which brings about the need for efficient transportation solutions in order to organize those cities. This article explores from various angles different points of view on urbanization including individuals who have experienced it and nations that went through it before, what are possible solutions to make cities more sustainable for future generations.
