How to successfully Transplant Fluted pumpkins Seedlings


Hello Hive


Having done some rigorous clearing for another of my gardening session today I have been able to successfully Transplant the fluted pumpkins Seedlings 🌱 🌱. Instead of planting directly in the soil I decided to plant it in sack just like the already planted sack yams.

Here is one thing I did to my own advantage to help prevent the fluted pumpkin from been flushed away by flood when the rains get high.

While I had complained about having too many stones in the premises, an idea came to mind that I could make a heap of it then have my fluted pumpkins sacks right on top of it.
This raises the level of the sack from the ground. Just imagine how rigorous that excise was for me this morning. Having gathered the stones in heap I have my brother help me with filling it up with some fertile sandy-loamy soil



I was fortunate to have my brother round who helped me with some of the hard task.
Next is how we successfully transplanted the fluted pumpkin.
My brother has a bit of experience in this since he has worked in a Cocoa farm and knows how to grow seedlings in this manner before transplanting. I watched him tear the nylon with a blade to reveal the root of the seedlings without disturbing the soil beaneath it.
He created deep holes in the sand at three different location and gently placed the seedlings within moving on to cover the roots properly





After that we added some water to the transferred seedling and will watched the growth to see how it gets successful planted in the new soil. Fluted pumpkins grows in modernly drained soil and keeping it elevated might give it a chance of survival here having been planted in a sack. We have different species of this pumpkins, some are perennial and will keep growing and rejuvenating for about 3years before it finally dies. At the point of purchase we are to ask about the type of species we purchase so as to know what to expect.
