My First Featured 5-Star Weapon! || Genshin Impact



Hey everyone! I haven't posted anything gaming related in a bit because there hasn't really been much to post about Genshin Impact. However, today the character banners changed to Yelan and Hu Tao! Which means the weapon banner is looking really good. Today I plan to wish for one of their weapons. This is a big deal for me because I've been playing Genshin for over 2 years and haven't wished on the weapon banner at all. But recently I've been more interested in making my current characters stronger.


Here is the weapon banner. Because Yelan and Hu Tao are running along side each other, both their signature weapons are on it. (Staff Of Homa + Aqua Simulacra) I'm surprised Genshin Impact did this because usually they put a featured weapon with one which isn't as good, or not universal. This isn't the case this time. So I've decided to wish on it. If I get a 5 star, I have a 75% chance to get one of these weapons. I would be happy with either. (There is also a 25% chance I miss and get a standard weapon - really hoping this doesn't happen 😅)


and YAY! I got Staff Of Homa 😊 In total it took me 64 wishes which is average luck. This is Hu Taos signature weapon. If you're thinking of wishing on this banner, I'd definitely recommend it. Either way you'll be getting an ss tier weapon. (That is, if you don't miss) Staff Of Homa in particular is good on almost every polearm character, and has some really nice crit dmg stats. (Same with Yelan's weapon - but for bow characters.)


Here is my Hu Tao with her weapon. I couldn't level it to max yet, however I will be able to later on today. I'm really excited to use this on her. (It's also best in slot for Zhongli too, which I use all the time so it will always be useful on my account!)


Here is a view of staff of homa in the open world. The colours of it suit her perfectly, I like that it's a little brighter at the top because then it makes it stand out. The design overall is beautiful.

It's funny how the first featured weapon on my account is Hu Tao's weapon. Because Hu Tao was my very first featured 5-star character! It was meant to be I guess haha (:
Goodluck if you're pulling on any of the current banners!

♡ ♡ ~ Thanks for viewing !! ~ ♡ ♡

All Images in this post are screenshots I took from the game Genshin Impact


Congrats on getting the Staff Of Homa! Looks like a cool weapon and I'm sure you'll have much fun and success when battling with it.

Good luck to others wishing for this weapon :)

0.000 PAL

Thanks for the comment! (:

0.001 PAL

Hu Tao looks so beautiful with that weapon. Congratulations on bringing it out.

I tried to get Hu Tao and the Staff of Homa but instead I got a Mona as a gift, 55 wishes thrown away.

0.000 PAL

Sorry to hear about that! :( I remember when first wishing for Hu Tao I also missed and got Mona. She likes popping up in Hu Tao banners I guess 😵

I wish you good luck for the next time. Genshin gacha can be brutal sometimes.

0.000 PAL

Hu Tao looks amazing with his weapon, his design has always appealed to me and in fact at the start of the banner I cast 50 wishes one by one on both banners for not deciding haha. in the end I got a Keching but with a lot of luck I got Yelan in 20 more :D. although I really like Hu Tao I found Yelan more useful as I didn't have a good spear for Hu Tao :/

0.000 PAL