My Cute Character Nahida! || Genshin Impact Guide πŸ€

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Aside from just being cute, Nahida is a very overpowered dendro 5 star character in the game Genshin Impact. Currently she's SS+ tier and shines within the role of utility and constant dendro application as she's a catalyst user. She creates so many new team compositions, and is very versatile when it comes to pairing her with other elements. In this blog I'll be a guide on how to build and use Nahida. With the help of showing my own Nahida I pulled quite recently.



I usually talk a little bit about Genshin character's stories in the game in these guides. Because sometimes their personality and character influences who someone wishes for. I go by saying wish for characters you like! Even if they're not meta. Don't feel pressured to get a character you don't like just because they're strong. The game is fairly easy to play without overpowered characters.


❝ I had a very, very long dream...In it, people were holding hands, dancing in a circle, be they sages or fools, dancers or warriors, puppets or statues of gods... That dancing circle embodied everything about the universe. Life has always been the end, while it is wisdom that shall be the means. ❞ β€” Lesser Lord Kusanali

Nahida is the dendro archon in the game. Meaning she rules the Sumeru region. She assumed this role after Greater Lord Rukkhadevata passed away in the cataclysm five hundred years ago. She is also the youngest and most recent of The Seven archons. (As there's 7 elements in the game at the moment.) The Sumerian sages brought her to the Sanctuary of Surasthana not long after her birth, where her physical self remained and she never interacted with the outside world. She now aspires to have a bigger presence in Sumeru after being released from her lengthy confinement in the Sanctuary of Surasthana.



This is Nahida's elemental burst animation, It's absolutely beautiful 😍 It's also quite massive and covers a lot of the area, so you rarely have to worry about monsters getting out of the radius. Her burst talent info states:

"Manifests the Court of Dreams and expands the Shrine of Maya.
When the Shrine of Maya field is unleashed, the following effects will be separately unleashed based on the Elemental Types present within the party.
Pyro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is increased.
Electro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the interval between each Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is decreased.
Hydro: The Shrine of Maya's duration is increased.
If there are at least 2 party members of the aforementioned Elemental Types present when the field is deployed, the aforementioned effects will be increased further.
Even if Nahida is not on the field, these bonuses will still take effect so long as party members are within the Shrine of Maya."

This makes her quite good with electro, pyro and hydro characters as these are the elements which trigger reactions with the dendro element. They all provide different buffs suitable to the reactions. E.g for an electro character in the party, her skill will have shorter intervals, meaning it can proc quicken and aggravate reactions more efficiently. Also because one of her passives states:

" When unleashing Illusory Heart, the Shrine of Maya will gain the following effects:
The Elemental Mastery of the active character within the field will be increased by 25% of the Elemental Mastery of the party member with the highest Elemental Mastery.
You can gain a maximum of 250 Elemental Mastery in this manner. "

The active member in your party will gain more elemental mastery, which means reactions will do more damage. Also useful for Nahida, as her elemental mastery will increase even further when the burst is active


This is what Nahida's elemental skill looks like when you hold it. Its kind of like taking a picture, you move it around to make sure all the enemies are marked. It will also do damage to the enemies. It is important to mark all the enemies because in her skill talent into it states:

"Opponents who have been marked by the Seed of Skandha will be linked to one another up till a certain distance.
After you trigger Elemental Reactions on opponents who are affected by the Seeds of Skandha or when they take DMG from Dendro Cores (including Burgeon and Hyperbloom DMG), Nahida will unleash Tri-Karma Purification on the opponents and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on her ATK and Elemental Mastery.
You can trigger at most 1 Tri-Karma Purification within a short period of time."

Her tri karma purifications can do a lot of damage. Mine usually nearly do 40k each time with a quicken team, this continuously ticks. It's also useful for constant dendro application when you want to switch out of Nahida to a different party member.



Without further ado, her is my Nahida. Her elemental mastery is 788, however with her ulimate active it's near 1000 elemental mastery which is what you should try aim for when building Nahida. She scales off of elemental mastery, and elemental mastery is useful with elemental reactions, which is what her team compositions rely on. Dendro is quite good with almost every element.


These are my stats. She can get away with quite low crit rate because her passive gives her more crit rate with the more elemental mastery you have.(With her elemental skill where most dmg comes from.) So really my crit rate would be over 60%, which is good enough. With crit dmg you want to stack as much as you can. Try not to sacrifice too much elemental mastery unless its really worth. I have 140% energy recharge, but you can get away with much less. Her elemental burst has quite a low energy cost so it will load up faster than the average character's burst.



This is her best in slot artifact set. Which makes sense because the artifact aesthetic suits her design so well! This set is really good because Nahida will get extra dendro dmg bonus, as well as decreasing dendro resistance on enemies, ultimately leading her to do more dmg. For the sands goblet and circuit, you could just go for triple elemental mastery. However, because of my elemental mastery book, I felt I had enough elemental mastery on her, and wanted to stack more crit dmg. So I just did double elemental mastery main stat with a crit dmg hat which seems to work well. For sub stats, obviously elemental mastery is helpful, crit rate/ crit dmg, and even atk%. (Plus a little energy recharge if possible.)

There are other viable artifact options for Nahida like 4pc Gilded, or 2 pc wanderer and 2 pc gilded for more elemental mastery. Keep in mind that Gilded 4pc will only be better than deepwood memories if another character equips the deepwood 4pc set. The resistance shred from the 4pc is quite significant for that dendro dmg.


This is the weapon I use for her, r5 sacrificial fragments. It has quite high elemental mastery, and the bonus skill in the weapon is nice for her. (Her elemental skill may reset automatically, which means you don't have to wait for it to load up.) However if you don't have this weapon, Nahida is luckily quite versatile when it comes to picking a weapon for her. Her signature weapon is the best for her, A Thousand Floating Dreams. If you buy the battle pass Solar Pearl can also be quite good. Widsith is another good option. And many more catalysts. E.g. Favonius Codex, Mappa Mare, Kagura's Verity... (Even the 3 star catalyst magic guide!)


These are my talent levels for her. Her elemental skill takes priority. I crowned her skill, I'm planning on crowning her elemental burst too because I really enjoy playing with her. You only level her normal attack if Nahida is playing as a main field dps. But even then, her normal attacks don't deal a significant amount of dmg so don't stress too much about it.




There are quite a few teams you can run with Nahida. Whether that be Hyperbloom (electro + hydro), Bloom (hydro + healer), Melt (Bennet + Ganyu), Burgeon (Thoma + hydro) or my usual team, Catalyze (electro)

I personally run the first team, with Nahida, Fischl, Zhongli and Yae. Sometimes I pair Nahida with Baal and a hydro character instead. Bear in mind that your characters may need to be built differently when using dendro reactions for more optimized damage. (like a gilded full triple em set on Baal.) Most of the characters in this list above can easily be replaced with different characters if you don't have them. (E.g running Kuki Shinobu to replace one of the electro characters.)

Because there's so many options, It's best you experiment with your own characters and builds with the different reactions you can do with dendro. They're all very good. Find which one you like best to find the perfect Nahida team for you.


That's it for this Nahida guide today. For more information you can check out this site: (It's my fav genshin guide site.)

Overall I'm quite happy with Nahida. She is an excellent addition to my teams. She's very op, and finally fixed the electro element in Genshin. She'll most likely have a rerun quite soon. If you're thinking about pulling her, I'd say go for it if you like dendro reactions. She is probably a must-pull if you have Nilou, as she increases her value tremendously.

If you have any suggestions, questions regarding Nahida or genshin impact overall, leave them in the comments! (:

πŸ€ πŸ€ ~ Thanks for viewing !! ~ πŸ€ πŸ€

0.013 PAL


Aww that's a really cute character. Even I didn't play this game I can see that she is one of the strongest. And she has a nice story. If I'll start playing this game I'll try to play with Nahida.

0.000 PAL

She would definitely be a valuable character to your genshin account. Super unique and fun playstyle as well.

Thanks for the comment 😊

0.000 PAL

Another super helpful detailed post on Genshin Impact! May all your battles with Nahida be winners! :)

0.000 PAL

Nahida is a super cool and useful character. i still have her level 80 with almost 770 Elemental Mastery. i have used her together with Shogun, Miko and Mona, she has worked out very well and i have Miko at level 70 :D

0.000 PAL

Wow thats good to hear shes still strong with lower level characters. She is super overpowered and fun with electro and hydro 🀩

Thanks for the comment!

0.000 PAL