A Random Selfie πŸ™ƒ πŸ“·



I scrolled a lot through my camera roll and found this image, I haven't posted myself in awhile so why not. πŸ₯΄ Please don't pay too much attention to my face, I wasn't wearing any makeup at the time haha. I also think it was probably quite cold at the time taking this photo which is why I was wearing a thick top and sweatpants. Very comfy outfit choices.

I hope everyone is doing well! Term holidays are almost over sadly, then we'll be starting our last term (Term 4). Because I'm a senior term 4 will only be a few weeks, then exam study leave for about two weeks, then actual exams start! I have quite a few papers to do so I'll be quite busy with that. Of course I've already started studying a little bit, but I'm going to have to start vigorously revising πŸ˜… Hopefully all goes well 🀞

Today I didn't do anything too special. I hung out with my cat Mochi. I tried teaching her to sit with some treats I got, didn't really work 🀣 I found out that the reason cats are harder to train than dogs is because they see us as equals, so they don't usually respond to directions. Whereas dogs see their owner as their master so they're easier to train. The more you know.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a good rest of their day!!

🌸 🌸 ~ Thanks for viewing!! ~ 🌸 🌸

0.027 PAL


You're a smart, responsible, eloquent, beautiful woman - with or without makeup!

I know there's some pressure irl and on social media for women to wear makeup but I support anyone's choice to wear it or not, no force. πŸ‘

Good luck on your term 4 exams. But tbh you won't need luck bc you'll prepare for the tests and do quite well, I am sure! But still, take this, just in case! πŸ€

Ya, cats don't take orders, they give them! Have fun with Mochi! 😻

0.000 PAL

Thank you, that means a lot (: I love wearing makeup, it's super fun, however using it all the time makes me feel insecure without it haha. I need to learn to be confident with or without it.

Hopefully! I'll take that clover though, need all the luck I can get!

That's very true, Mochi runs the house πŸ˜†

0.003 PAL

Happened to come across this post under suggested posts. It's a shame you stopped (or paused) posting. You're a very beautiful woman, and your posts appear quite uplifting. Hope you'll find your way back!

0.000 PAL