Los seres humanos desde que nacemos estamos en constante evolución, crecimiento y aprendizaje, sólo el cuerpo físico, lo biológico evoluciona hasta cierto punto para a partir del cenit iniciar su declive. Al contrario de nuestro aprendizaje social y sicológico que no se detiene, de manera progresiva gracias a la experiencia de lo vivido y de lo que observamos de otras personas a través del modelaje, vamos incorporando conocimientos, actitudes, valores… por su supuesto esto incluye lo espiritual, creo que siempre en nuestra vida habrá guías, maestros, en el hogar los primeros son nuestros padres biológicos o cualquier otra figura que asuma este rol, con el tiempo se incorporan otros y luego aparecen unos que aunque ya no existan físicamente sea porque vivieron en otra épocas o están en otras latitudes, sus enseñanzas trasciendes los tiempos, las distancias y se hacen parte del fortalecimiento de la esencia espiritual del ser humano que los sigan.
Human beings are in constant evolution, growth and learning since we are born, only the physical body, the biological evolves up to a certain point to begin its decline from the zenith. Contrary to our social and psychological learning that does not stop, in a progressive way thanks to the experience of what we have lived and what we observe from other people through modeling, we incorporate knowledge, attitudes, values? Of course this includes the spiritual, I believe that in our life there will always be guides, teachers, at home the first ones are our biological parents or any other figure that assumes this role, over time others are incorporated and then appear some that although they no longer exist physically either because they lived in other times or are in other latitudes, their teachings transcend time, distances and become part of strengthening the spiritual essence of the human being who follows them.
Hablando en mi caso particular tuve dos maestros excepcionales mi madre y mi padre, que juntos conformaron y levantaron una familia de Once hijos, sin o muy pocos fundamentos religiosos o doctrinarios explícitos en el tema espiritual, pero producto a la exigencia de criar una familia tan numerosa y de bien, que requería de fuertes valores como la cooperación, el respeto, solidaridad, bondad, amor y fe porque no bastaba el esfuerzo constante para proveer a tan grande grupo familiar, había que cultivar la esperanza en esa fuerza divina que te acompaña y hace levantarte cada día, que sin verla, la sientes, te compromete e impulsa a establecerte metas, a soñar y así de una manera sublime, pero firme fueron alimentando, fortaleciendo mi espíritu y mi alma, que aunque por su nivel educativo repito no era un tema explicito, con su modelaje y sabiduría fueron mis maestros mis gurús en las primera etapas de mi vida, mis padres al educarnos en la convivencia del hogar, los valores, la fe en Dios e insertándonos en el sistema educativo formal, nos dieron las herramientas para discernir y elegir la manera de crecer espiritualmente, mientras vivieron continuaron siempre apoyando con su sabiduría y enseñanzas, como buenos maestros respetando el libre albedrio.
Speaking in my particular case I had two exceptional teachers my mother and my father, who together formed and raised a family of eleven children, without or very few explicit religious or doctrinal foundations in the spiritual theme, but product to the requirement of raising such a large and good family, that required strong values such as cooperation, respect, solidarity, kindness, love and faith because the constant effort to provide for such a large family group was not enough, it was necessary to cultivate hope in that divine force that accompanies you and makes you get up every day, that without seeing it, you feel it, it commits you and drives you to set goals, Although due to their educational level, I repeat it was not an explicit subject, with their modeling and wisdom they were my teachers, my gurus in the first stages of my life, my parents when they educated us in the coexistence of the home, values, faith in God and inserting us in the formal education system, gave us the tools to discern and choose the way to grow spiritually, while they lived they always continued to support us with their wisdom and teachings, as good teachers respecting free will.
Con los años llegan momentos en la vida en que comenzamos a hacernos preguntas, sobre nuestra existencia, sobre nuestro papel en la tierra, la existencia de Dios o algún poder divino, por lo menos a mí me paso y me sigue pasando, esas interrogantes a veces nos llevan a la reflexión y a la búsqueda de respuestas dentro de nosotros mismos, cuando esas respuestas no satisfacen nuestras inquietudes nos llevan a consultar a aquellos seres que marcaron un antes y un después en la humanidad, en temas existenciales y trascendentales, por ejemplo las enseñanzas de Cristo, Buda, Krisna o en algunos más terrenales como el Dalai Lama, El Papa u otras figuras más cercana un Pastor evangélico, un sacerdote o simplemente una persona que consideramos experimentada, sabia y con conocimientos. Por supuesto hay personas que no requieren este tipo de acompañamiento, por decirlo así, o no lo desean, sea porque no le prestan atención y prefieren ignorarlo o porque deciden dedicarse a cultivar su crecimiento espiritual por su propia cuenta.
Over the years there come moments in life when we begin to ask ourselves questions about our existence, about our role on earth, the existence of God or some divine power, at least it happened to me and still happens to me, these questions sometimes lead us to reflection and the search for answers within ourselves, When those answers do not satisfy our concerns they lead us to consult those beings that marked a before and after in humanity, in existential and transcendental topics, for example the teachings of Christ, Buddha, Krisna or in some more earthly as the Dalai Lama, the Pope or other figures closer to an evangelical Pastor, a priest or simply a person that we consider experienced, wise and knowledgeable. Of course there are people who do not require this type of accompaniment, so to speak, or do not want it, either because they do not pay attention to it and prefer to ignore it or because they decide to dedicate themselves to cultivate their spiritual growth on their own.
A la pregunta ¿Necesitamos un gurú o maestro espiritual para crecer espiritualmente?, creo que en mi caso hubo tiempos en que surgió esa necesidad, con el tiempo contemplando la gente y aprendiendo de ella, esa necesidad disminuyo, pero no desapareció porque estoy convencido que la unicidad humana hace que existan seres que tienen mucho que enseñarnos no tan solo de cosas tangibles como las ciencia, la tecnología, valores… sino sobre temas que transciende lo humano, a veces inexplicables, a como comprender y conectarnos con esa energía, ese poder que nos da el aliento, la vida y la esperanza que no todo se limita a este plano físico, que fortaleciendo las cosas del alma, podemos prepararnos para elevar nuestra espiritualidad y partir hacia una dimensión diferente a esta que conocemos. Yo reconozco que hay personas que dedican su vida a esto y como aprendemos de todos los seres humanos, ¿Por qué no podemos aprender de ellos?
To the question "Do we need a guru or spiritual master to grow spiritually? I think that in my case there were times when that need arose, with time contemplating people and learning from them, that need diminished, but did not disappear because I am convinced that human uniqueness makes that there are beings who have much to teach us not only about tangible things such as science, technology, values .... but about issues that transcend the human, sometimes inexplicable, how to understand and connect with that energy, that power that gives us breath, life and hope that not everything is limited to this physical plane, that by strengthening the things of the soul, we can prepare ourselves to raise our spirituality and go to a different dimension to this one we know. I recognize that there are people who dedicate their lives to this and as we learn from all human beings, why can't we learn from them?
Translation made through https://www.deepl.com/es/translator. / Traducción realizada a través de https://www.deepl.com/es/translator.
Fuente 1/Source 1, Fuente 2/Source 2, Fuente 3/Source 3
Everything I public in my posts is of my authorship, if another author or person is quoted or referred to, the source is indicated. /Todo lo que publico es de mi autoría, si se cita o hace referencia a otro autor o persona se indica la fuente.
Gracias por tu visita, te espero para que leas mi próxima publicación / Thank you for your visit, I look forward to your reading my next post.
It's great to know that your parent were your teachers who guided and helped your spiritual life and other aspects you needed to learn from.
There are also questions that are also confusing to us that we need answers to clear our mind from doubt, we then go to those who are experienced and learned about such questions which isn't a bad idea going to them.
We need someone to guide us spiritually especially those who are vast and knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing your view.
Yes, my parents were wonderful teachers that we still remember with love and respect. But we must recognize each other's strengths and wisdom, support each other and grow through their teachings. Thank you for your attention and comment, success and blessings.
I think you are right in thinking that sometimes we do need guides to help us achieve a higher level of spirituality, in the same way as we need teachers to help us understand science and maths. You make several valid and insightful points. Interesting reading.🤗💕❤️
Yes, human beings are gregarious by nature, we need others and vice versa, it is part of humility to recognize and look for those who cannot guide us in such deep and transcendental topics. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my publication, blessings and success.