
Hello Splinterland warriors!

Another week of Battle challenge with another monster from the Dragon family and here i am participating in this challenge which is hosted by the Splinterlands team thanks Always for the great support and arranging these challenges for us on weekly basis.


Rarity: COMMON
Element: WATER
Attack: MELEE
Abilities: Thorns at level 4

Here is another participation in this challenge with my favorite and most useable monster especially in the little league ruleset that i am using all the time so participation is must because this is a most useable card in the battles. I remember the day when i started the splinterlands game where my mentor burlarj tought me that how to play this game and then i went to aamirijaz Dm and he mentions some cards to me that you need to buy these cards to start this game and the Spineback is the first monster that i bought with roughly with 2 or 3 steem/hive that time after buying a level 2 bortus summoner.




In the battle lineup, i will explain each card one by one that i used in the specific position for this lineup and battle to win this battle with the card that i used for this week's challenge the Spineback turtle card from the water splinter.


The oldest ΛZMΛRÉan Summoner, Alric Stormbringer, founded the modern arts of Chaos Magic. He has many pupils from around the Splinterlands. Alric’s gift is not so much bringing the storm, but channeling it.Read more

ALRIC STORMBRINGER is a great water summoner from the alpha beta edition which adds one magic attak to all friendly monster means that it increase the magic attack of friendly team. When i started the game i bougt bortus for the first time at level 2 then later i upgraded that summoner to level 3 after that i invested a small amount of money in this card that i bought at level 5 with only $10 yes i am right that i bought this card with only 10 to $15 only the earth and water summoner i bought these two summoner with $25 investment only now it is worth $400+.


In the first position, i used the main monster of this week's battle challenge which is the spineback turtle card with lots of armor that i am always using in the first position or in the last position against sneak monsters. Well, here i added two protection cards which adds 4 armors additional to this card so the armor reach to 7 and it works fine to kill the first enemy monster with its thorn ability.

In the second position, I went for the legendary card DJINN OSHANNUS which has a void ability and will reduce the life of enemy with his strong attack of up to 3 life because of its 3 magic attack and if an enemy use magic monster then this card will get lower damage because of magic void ability this card also work perfect in the battlefield and kill the enemy monsters quickly especially the first card of the enemy team.

In the third position, i went for another legendary card that i did not bought yet but one of my friend gifted me and his name is aamirijaz thanks for this card. Well, i used this card for the blast ability to give additional damage to the adjacent monster like this monster kill the 2nd monster with its powerfull magic blast and also with armor protection this card got 4 armor so earthquake will need to break armor first before reducing its life.

Here is the flying card which is a little ice pixe a flying monster from the water splinter with 2 mana cap and two magic attack in the beta summoner but has the ability to fly away from the earthquake ruleset and will not take any damage from the earthquake. This card works fine in the battlefield and stayled for sometime in the battlefield without damaging from the earthquake.

Well, here is the new reward card with protection ability which adds two armor to all friendly monster and will give you 3 magic attack after combining 25 BCX of this card. However, at level 4 it gives you 3 magic attack while at level 1 you can get the armor from this card before when there was beta summoner open for new players before the chaos edition so the price of this card were $5 per single BCX but now the price went down because of the chaos edition where it can not get one extra magic.

Last but not least here is one more flying card that i used for protecting his friendly monster from the earthquake rulset and its work fine to save the friendly monsters from the earthquake for sometime and it does it job well.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

If you are new to this game then signup here to play the game click here for signup

Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali
