UK Inflation rate down to 2%... drat!


Inflation in the UK has been reported as down to 2%, the lowest in 3 years.

Great news for a lot of people. Crappy news for me!

I have been earning about an extra month's salary per year in interest, which has held strong at 4.6% in my England bank. I've been earning nothing whatsoever from my China bank since the interest rates here are, as far as I can tell, 0.0% -__-

Anyway, that means a lower interest rate is around that corner, and that means I can probably start saying goodbye to that juice return. Blast!

I guess I'll have to start moving more of my funds into investments instead, but I'm not too comfortable having such vast sums exposed to such comparatively high risk.

I've been testing the waters with this new concept I've discovered, where you 'copy trade' - automatically follow the actions of people far more experience than yourself. This limits your responsibility and flexibility, and anything going downhill is beyond your control.

But frankly, there's no chance in hell I would do better than these guys. A lot of these folk are exceeding the returns of the S&P500, and more than you'd get holding HBD at 20% APR.

But unless I invest a very scary amount, even those returns are only going to yield a few hundred dollars a year, which is just nothing compared to an extra month's salary.

Another reason to do it, though, is that I simply lack any faith in the British economy. It's showing a few good signs, but in an ocean of shit.

Productivity is bombasically low, and all the red tape & bureaucracy is a barbed wire fence blocking anyone from ever trying to improve it. Low-skilled / welfare dependent immigration is just spreading the wealth over too much bread, and the entire government is either maliciously intent on destroying the country, or completely lost and incapable of saving it.

There's a severe level of brain drain with unprecedented numbers of citizens leaving to Spain, Australia, USA, and other places that pay literally double or even triple salaries for the same work.

We have been digging ourselves into a hole so deep that the only way out is to dig straight through to the other end of the planet.


The UK is indeed performing on almost every metric significantly worse than any other developed country and in honesty, everything outside London is poorer than some of the poorest Eastern European countries. Even poorer nations like Italy have less money, but significantly greater quality of life for everyone.

So yeah I don't really see much growth coming from the UK. Not 'in the next few years'. I don't think the UK will ever perform well economically ever again. Too much damage is being done and doubled down upon. Infrastructure is literally impossible now, and investment is not at all desirable.

So yeah, I better start moving my money away from the bank. I doubt the interest rates will go down to its previous lows of like 0%, but it'll go low enough that even a million in savings will amount to a starbucks per year of return.

Problem is, outside of copy trading, I'm pretty much an ignoramus when it comes to the markets. I'm pretty good with the whole emotional FOMO and such. In the past I've lost a few thousand dollars and barely batted an eye despite how much it hurt. I just shut my eyes, turned off my computer and forgot about it. Told myself I'd make it up again slowly over time.

Other than that inherent skill though, I really gotta start reading up and separating the scammy wheat from the legit chaff.


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Wow man, looks like you've got a solid strategy in mind with copy trading. I absolutely get your concerns about the UK economy too man, it's definitely a turbulent time. Good luck with moving the markets. Hope things go well bro


Cheers! Yeah I wouldn't really call it a strategy lol, so much as finding a lazy man's way around something. I think the markets overall are massively over-valued and will be falling hard. That's why copytraders are good cuz they know that, and have protected themselves for the most part in professional ways I couldn't do.

As for UK... what's the forecast you reckon? 5 years until utopia?


I would say 10 but With the way things are advancing perhaps 5 is a perfect guess


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