The Natural Beauty of Lake Lut Tawar, Central Aceh Regency and Pictures of My Cousin's Sister


Hello friends, how are you today and hopefully we are all still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.

Wednesday 5 June 2024, On this happy occasion I would like to show again some interesting images that I have prepared. There are two picture moments that can be shown today, namely the first is a picture of the natural beauty of one of the lakes in Central Aceh Regency. Central Aceh Regency is one of the districts in the highlands and here also has very cold air. Then for the second image display that I want to show, it is a picture of one of my younger cousins ​​and that feeling. He was holding my smartphone when he was taking a selfie and then I was holding the camera and continuing to take pictures of him. Before I continue to discuss the images that I have prepared, it would be a good idea for me to say my words of respect to all my friends and hopefully the best will always be for all of us. OK, friends, let's look at the pictures that I have prepared.

Several months ago I went to the Central Aceh region to see the beautiful natural atmosphere. There is extraordinary beauty there. There is a lake surrounded by mountains and there are many beautiful places here and many people choose this place as a tourist spot. I myself am quite interested in places like this so at that time I invited me to go enjoy the natural atmosphere in this area.

Then for the second image display that I want to show, it is a picture of one of my younger cousins ​​holding my smartphone. Because he borrowed my smartphone and I was holding the camera of course I could still take pictures of him. He also loves to take selfies. That day he visited my house to play and when he got there he immediately took my shoes and asked to borrow them for selfies.

OK, friends, those are some of the pictures that I can show you today and hopefully these pictures can entertain all my friends and make them beautiful pictures for us all. Thank you to all my friends who have given me encouragement and opportunities and see you again later in my next post.

Note, the words I wrote in this article are in Indonesian, and I first wrote them in the smartphone notes application section. Then to translate into English I used Google's help.

PhotographyRandom Image
Camera UsedCanon
Model600 D
LocationAceh, Indonesia


About me

My full name is Muhammad Nur, many friends at Platform Hive call me Mnurhiver. I am from Indonesia. I was born in 1996 and now I work to serve in a government agency in the fisheries section. Apart from serving in a Government agency, I am also a full time content creator. Photography is one of my hobbies and almost every day I look for moments to take photos. The Hive Platform helps my life needs a lot and I am very grateful for this and thank my seniors and friends.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @mnurhiver

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The images they show are of a very good quality, but, more than the photos I appreciate the natural beauty of the first photo and the joy of his cousin taking the selfies.
Related to the first image I would like to add that any natural environment that has the minimum necessary conditions to spend a few days of enjoyment is welcome because these are very healthy spaces, where you breathe clean air and you are away from the big cities.
This type of tourism called nature tourism is gaining strength in many parts of the world. In Cuba it is a very desirable modality. Thanks for sharing. Happy day. Cheers and greetings.

Gambar yang mereka tampilkan memiliki kualitas yang sangat bagus, tetapi, lebih dari foto-foto itu saya menghargai keindahan alam dari foto pertama dan kegembiraan sepupunya yang mengambil foto narsis.
Terkait dengan gambar pertama, saya ingin menambahkan bahwa lingkungan alam apa pun yang memiliki kondisi minimum yang diperlukan untuk menghabiskan beberapa hari kenikmatan dipersilakan karena ini adalah tempat yang sangat sehat, di mana Anda menghirup udara bersih dan jauh dari kota-kota besar.
Jenis pariwisata yang disebut wisata alam ini semakin kuat di banyak bagian dunia. Di Kuba, ini adalah modalitas yang sangat diinginkan. Terima kasih telah berbagi. Semoga harimu menyenangkan. Ceria dan salam.

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This place look magic, I love it!!!

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