Ladies of Hive Contest # 65 / The Most Embarrassing Moment!


The most embarrassing moment of my life happened when I was 18 years old, and still when I think about it, I say to myself: what a shame!!! But I have to say, it wasn't my fault, it was all the fault of a bottle of wine.


The photo was taken by congerdesign and was published on Pixabay

When I finished high school I had the idea of studying medicine (later I changed my mind, but that's another topic), so I took a course in Emergency First Aid at the Red Cross in my city, I loved the course and at the end of it I enlisted as a volunteer in the Emergency Brigade of that institution.

When I started in the Relief Brigade, I was 17 years old, most of us in the Brigade were applicants for medical school or even first and second year students. That is why I felt like a fish in water, I also applied what I learned in the First Aid Course, I felt that I learned many more things, with our Director, who was a gynecologist, I got to be an observer in some of his surgeries... in short, I was happy, very happy in that environment.

Part of what we did at that time was Health Days in nearby villages, we were accompanied by doctors who wanted to collaborate, they even took donations, that feeling of doing something good for people who were in need was very satisfying.

One of those days was held on a Saturday in May, I don't really remember where the community was located, the thing was that, once it was over, I went to one of my colleagues' house, her name is Isabela, we wanted to have a few drinks, we had nothing special to celebrate, we just wanted to have a nice time.

Once we were at his house, we went with his brother to the liquor store with the purpose of buying a bottle of whiskey for the three of us to drink, there they offered us a bottle of wine that was on promotion, when we tasted it we liked it, so we took it too.

Isabela and I started drinking wine, and her brother started drinking whiskey, we loved the wine, but we ran out, so we poured whiskey because we wanted to continue having a good time.

That was a big mistake for me, first because I was not used to drink like that, much less I had consumed two types of liquor, after a while I felt how bad the drink had made me feel, I could not walk properly, and the worst thing was that then I started to vomit, it was the typical image of a drunk hugging a toilet. I even had to lie down for a while to get home.

Even though I had been to Isabela's before, I didn't have that kind of confidence.... I really felt ashamed...

Isabela's drinking didn't have that effect, I guess she was more used to it than I was.

And if I felt bad that day, the next day was worse, I even woke up dizzy and nauseous.

I have to say, it was a lesson learned, I never drank like that again. But I insist, it was all the wine's fault, the initial idea was to have a few shots of whiskey only...

Thank you for reading. On this occasion, I would like to invite @yilmagari to participate.

0.001 PAL


Lesson learned, liquor packs a bigger punch or stronger effect than wine for the same amount. I've learned to limit myself to 2 shots of Rum at most on a night off.

Thanks for sharing @mjvdc

0.000 PAL

Yes, two drinks is enough. 😊

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Un momento vergonzoso y con la lección muy precisa: el licor no es buen compañero. Por tu post un tarro de miel

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