Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?

This is a great question, worthy of reflection, I will try to live up to it.

In today's world we cannot live with our backs turned to technology, and although some people find it more difficult to adapt, society itself creates the need to keep us up to date with the latest technology.


Image by Buffik published in Pixabay

The nature of human beings is to be in a society, and although some isolate themselves, they seek to interact at least with animals.

However, for those of us who do not wish to isolate ourselves, we are obliged, so to speak, to adapt to new technologies, and in fact, I see it as a wonderful resource to stay connected with those who are far away from us physically.

I live in Venezuela, and my family, like many other families, is in various parts of the world, I have cousins in Colombia, Peru and Chile, I have sisters in Peru, Argentina and Chile, two of my best friends also emigrated with their families, one is in the United States and another in Spain. If it were not for technology, it would be more difficult to keep in touch, to see each other, to know how much our children have grown, how much we have changed...

Of my small family nucleus I can say that my husband works out of town, we see each other only on weekends, and even sometimes every 15 days, that is a bit tortuous for us, particularly for our children who are young, technology allows us to maintain daily contact, to record beautiful moments with our children, to treasure in some way this stage of their lives that passes so quickly.

But why did I start talking about the family if the title of the question is based on spirituality? Because we are integral beings, our spirituality influences all aspects of our life, we should not neglect one thing for another and society begins in the family and our circle of influence.

If we want to improve the world, it is in the family where we must start, in loving our children, in giving them tools to face daily problems, inspiring them not only with advice but also with examples. There is a phrase that I remember from a very young age, and now that I am a mother, I remember it more than ever: Words move, but deeds drag. Our children, in one way or another, will imitate what they see in us.

If our children see that we do not neglect our spirituality, they will accompany us in this, and undoubtedly this will help them in the difficult moments of their lives.

Technology allows us to reach more places and more people than physical limitations do not allow us. Technology can be, and indeed is, a spiritual tool. I can cite as an example that, I am Catholic, and I am used to going to mass frequently, but with the pandemic, this spiritual practice of infinite importance for me was interrupted, but technology has allowed me in a certain way to attend mass, I have experienced it through YouTube, and this is just one platform, there are many others where it is possible to virtually attend mass in live broadcasts.

I can also say that I use technology as a tool, listening to music through different media is part of technology, when I need to quiet my thoughts, or relax my mind to pray, I listen to music, and I have listened to authors located in places so far away for me that if it hadn't been through technology I wouldn't have been able to.

I think that the same thing happens with technology as with all things, everything can be used in its proper measure, since everything in excess is harmful. Isolating ourselves from the physical environment by living in a virtual environment cannot be healthy in any way, but having a virtual environment for our spiritual and psychological development can help us grow as people.

A Little About Myself

I am Venezuelan and still reside in Venezuela.

I am an Industrial Engineer, but I quit my job in order to take care of my children, I am the mother of a prince and a princess, I also have a dog-son.

I've been on Hive since July of last year, and I'm still learning about this wonderful world. I recently discovered this community, and it's the first time I've posted on it.

I speak in Spanish and for the publications in English I help myself with the DeepL translator.

Thank you for creating this wonderful space for reflections on our lives, I hope to be able to provide you with valuable content and I also want to learn from your points of view and your lived experiences.

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