Being a mom; The hardest job I had
Being a mom is hard,it takes strenght each and everyday to put someone else's needed above your own,without a complaint
Hello mommies and daddies!!!!
I started being a mom at 24,hmmm let me call it the unprepared motherhood journey.Honestly I am not prepared emotionally ,physically ,financially though I know that I am aware of what would be the result of what I am doing ,it is that I will become a mom.
When I learned that I was pregnant ,I cried a lot .I don't know why I was doing that ,nobody told that I need to do that thing and I keep blaming my self.With the help of my partner I then realized that having a baby sooner is such a big blessings.We may not prepared everything but I told my self that I need to face it ,its me who did it so its my big responsiblity to face and raised a kid.
Its the hardest job I had!
After giving birth of my first son ,it was the day that I started this hardest job ,sleepless nights ,lack of rest and not having enough time for my self.I even can't ate my meal well.
I get tired of doing the household chores but I told my self that I should not be complaint about it.Its me who did it and choose this life.
Having a toodler inside the house keep the house messy all the time,I know most mom can relate this haha.The house would be cleaned if the kids are sleeping or taking a nap but when they are awake ,they started making mess again.
Having a kids makes me to have more laundries to washed ,I washed our laundry twice a week and each time I'd washed it ,it take two days to finished.I can't finished it immediately coz my kids will be disturbing me ,so I had to leave it and back again when they are sleeping.
One of the hardest part of being a mom is when you kid got sick,it is really hard for me and to point that I also cried when they cried.I felt their pain and wishing that I can have their illness instead of them.It is hard knowing that you can see the changes of my son ,they are so hyper and energetic but when they got sick ,they look so weak and that makes me feels weak too.
Just like this past few days,my youngest son got sick ,he was having a cough ,cold and fever.As a mom I did everything for him ,after giving him a medicines ,I searched on some remedies to help him to relieve his illness and there I learned about the oinion ,so I did'nt wasted a single seconds and tried it.
I can't hold my tears looking at my son in this situation,I keep praying that he will getting soon coz I really missed his energetic moves every now and then.
I decided to take him to a doctor yesterday coz he still not fine ,though I don't have enough money but I need to this ,I can't take seeing my son that is feeling weak.
While waiting for the doctor
Thanks God that he feels better now,anway I got this topic because after we went to a doctor and my son was already sleeping ,while he is having a rest I was so busy doing the chores and it makes me feel exhausted.I wanted to take a nap also but when I lay beside him and closed my eyes,the house chores are just like calling me so I choose to do it than taking a nap lol!
I cleaned the kitchen and living room area ,a lot of mess was there since we are many living in this house ,anyway its not our own house we are living at my in-laws house after the super typhoon hits us and devastated our house and our house now is not yet finish so we stayed here while we don't have yet our own home.
After cleaning ,I need to fix this messy things ,these are the preloved clothes from my sister in-laws balik bayan box and I am going to sell it for me to have an extra income.I felt exhausted but I got this chance to fix and photoshoot this while my son was sleeping.
Being a mom is not an easy to thing to do ,well I consider it as a job ,a job with no day off,no salary ,no retirement and its a life time job.
Its the hardest job to do but seeing the kids healthy ,seeing them with happiness by their hugs and kisses is all this hardship is all worth it.
And that would be all for today ,thank you for dropping by!
Love ,
It is hard, challenging, even frightening... But still won't trade it for anything else. ❤️
Kudos to you, momma! And get well soon to your little kiddo.
Thank you so much🥰
And yet, it is the most fulfilling job ever!
Indeed sis!🤗
Indeed sis, being a mom is not as easy as we can imagine but it was the best experience we could ever experience.
Totoo sis ,iba ang power ng isnag ina😊
I heard sometime ago that motherhood may not be easy but it's the best experience one will ever have.
A kind of job that no salary, no day off, no retirement but it's our happiness to be with our kids. Diba sis? Mao fight, fight lng jud.
Laban rajod sis