
I could talk all day long on this because I am a sole practioner of this. I may find it difficult to name all the things most young people do, that I don't do. Difficult to mention them all because I rarely succumb to peer pressure. A trait of mine that has helped me avoid making rash decisions in the past and currently.
I like to think of this trait of mine as a superpower.


One of the things young people do and find hard to break from, is social media addiction. One big deal. On some days when I feel my social media intake is becoming unhealthy, I abstain. Something most people see as a big deal. And when I say abstain, I mean the 24 hours social media break. Only permitting calls and SMS. And to be honest, this thing I do has helped me tremendously in cutting down on my social media intake and what is more? My eyes stays healthy. You can't deny the effects long hours on the phone has on your eyes. Staying away from screen lights on regular basis helps to cut down the amount of unhealthy blue rays emitting from our screen lights we have to take in.

Secondly, getting trendy clothes, shoes and footwears that are in vogue is another thing I don't do. Actually, helps my financial life stay healthy. I can't imagine how wrecked I'll be if I'm obsessed with trendy fashions. Makes it worse that the prices of every clothing that has to do with my gender equals to the place of a plot in Lekki.

Then there's impulse buying. We surely can't deny how many people do this. Now this is not only prevalent among young people but every average human. We see something we like and immediately decide we want to have it. Makes it worse if you have cash on you at the moment. As regards this, I can proudly commend my self-control at this.

On a general note, I give all gratitude to my over-thinking self. The fact that I am an over-thinker naturally helps me. I tend to overthink every of my actions and its aftermath implication. Makes it difficult for me to commit future blunders.

0.013 PAL


One of the worst things that can happen to an individual is to be addicted to social media and be hooked to the fake life that abounds there. It will destroy whoever is unfortunate enough to be caught in the trap.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

0.000 PAL

We must be careful not to become addicted to social media because it has claimed the lives of many young people.

Thank you for visiting

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