Listen to the darkness
Silence speaks but nothing can be heard
Silence sings the sweet lullabies, that put everyone to sleep
Sweet lullabies that cannot be heard
Melodious tunes that touch the heart and mind
Everyone yearning these harmonies.
The Beauty of silence lies within the heart
The peace and quiet
The joys of a poet
Silence, the secret ingredient of a sonnet
Silence always speaks to those who listens
It always finds those who seek it
Silence is considered the world’s best mother and father
Silence is quite a beauty but also quite a misery
The Burden of silence is quite heavy
The burden of silence has taken the lives of many
Silent people die silently, committing Suicide
When lonely, silent voice can be heard on the inside
Reminding you of the bad times that you tried to hide
Telling you that your life isn’t your choice and you can’t decide
It tells you suicide is the only option and you have to abide
When you are dying you realize that the silent voice of silence lied
The Sound of Silence
How to describe it
Eerie, lovely, amazing, scary, and many more
The beauty of silence can only be seen in the errors of man
And in errors can one truly feel the Sound of Silence.
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