Exaggerated Reality


I used to have this crush that live across the other street. This guy sings so well that any time he starts singing I begin screaming at everyone one who cares to listen "thats my crush singing!!"

There was just something about his voice that thrilled me. He sang with vibrato so well. And yes! the riff and runs he does dey do my heart tingalingalin 😩

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Surprisingly, I haven't seen him before and I don't even have the slightest idea of what he looks like.
Those times I fantasized about him. I would imagine a dark or fair guy with curly hair,broad shoulders, full beards singing love songs to me.

Two years passed and I still didn't know what my crush looked like. Every Saturday, I hear him sing in church. I hear him teach the choristers how to sing. My heart began to bleed. I just couldn't bear it any longer. I just wanted to know what my baby looked like, that's not a big deal nau.
I haven't been to the street where his church was located at but mehn what love cannot do does not exist. There's no mountain I won't climb coming after him.

I was lying down on the bed one Saturday evening when his sonorous voice filled the atmosphere. Compelled by a force(call it love force),I dress up and follow the direction where the voice is coming from. Only one mission I had- to behold him as he really is.
I climbed mountains in search of my baby. I wasn't even scared of the valleys because I had my baby in mind.
I finally saw the church where he was. I had mixed feelings. Maybe I should just go back. My heart began to beat faster but I matched forward regardless.
I took my first step into the church and every eyes darted at me.
As I opened my eyes to speak, my eyes scanned the hall in search of my ba...
There's only one guy in front with the same voice. Only that this one looks older than the one in my head plus I don't understand the scattered hair on his face he calls beard.

I do a quick introduction and lie to them that they all sing well.
They tell me thank you. I want to say that they will all be disappointed by that special someone in their life but is it their fault???

0.052 PAL


lol so funny, if only he was the same guy you pictured in your head, but what would you have done if he is your typical type of guy? i would be sharing your post on listnerd

0.000 PAL

but what would you have done if he is your typical type of guy?

Hmmmm... Well I don't really know, I guess I would have stand still and wait for him to shoot his shot.

would be sharing your post on listnerd

Thank you dear ❤️

0.000 PAL

Then you just have to walk back home disappointed lol.
Know that kind of feeling..lol

0.000 PAL

Yeah ... Was really disappointed 😞

0.000 PAL

This is really funny, don't you know that beauty is in the inside?? Why are you running ??

0.000 PAL

Lol... I know I'm just exaggerated 😂

Thank you for visiting my blog

0.000 PAL

What a disappointment. However maybe when he was younger he was someone's dream guy - with that voice for sure. This was not meant to be for you - he will come or maybne it did already.

0.000 PAL

However maybe when he was younger he was someone's dream guy

You might be right, maybe someone's else have gotten him.

This was not meant to be for you - he will come or maybne it did already.

I guess so, he wasn't meant to be, I hope I find my own very soon

0.000 PAL

wow, you sure know how to write well. Sorry, that was a disappointment. Hope you find your loved one soon or have you already?

0.000 PAL

Hope you find your loved one soon or have you already?

No, I haven't but I hope I'll find the real one very soon

Thank you for stopping by

0.000 PAL

Sorry he didn't live up to expectation. Sometimes it is better to not find the reality of a beautiful vision.

0.000 PAL