Check Out How I've Been Coping With Stress - Music Helps Reduce Stress


Do you know that stress has killed a lot of people? The truth is a lot of people have misinterpreted stress for malaria or other form of sickness, and in the process of not doing checkup or test to check the reason why their system is down, they have taken different form of drugs.


Stress is a natural bodily response to unfamiliar circumstances; sometimes it serves a useful purpose in keeping us focused, aware, and prepared, but it may also have a harmful effect when there is no way to relieve it.
Daily tasks can occasionally cause physical tension (stress) in people, which leaves us feeling irritated and annoyed. The entire universe is undergoing some major hardships at the moment, but since I am familiar with the situation in my own nation, I will use it as an example. You'll concur with me if you're from Nigeria that the state of the economy is enough to make people stressed out. The ongoing ASUU strike, which has kept most of the federal university students at home for months is another stress, the stress from trying to make ends meet while earning minimum pay and salary would undoubtedly lead people to act badly, such as committing suicide.

Since stress often comes with negative consequences like depression and health problems or suicide at critical point, how we handle it is very crucial.

Each of us has different coping mechanisms for stress, and we each find that one of them works for us.

How I've Been Coping With Stress

Lately I've been having some personal challenges, I'm currently staying with my dad who has been sick for several weeks, I helped him to make his dish, assist him in taking is medication and many other things, it has been quite stressful, but I was able to cope with it using some of the method below;

  • Music

Yeah, I'm a big fan of music, especially afro beats, Music is the mix of melodies and lyrics to help give a sweet rhythm to the ears. After my daily activities, I freshened up, navigated to music player on my phone, and plugged in my earpiece to listen to pleasant music. This has helped me with the unsaid thoughts and helped me relieve stress.

  • Proper Nap

Daily tasks will always be hard, and with so many different types of stress, taking a little time to relax is essential for stress relief.

You use this time to rest; it could also be used to accomplish something enjoyable or amusing. The main motivation for doing this is to ease stress and promote peaceful, beneficial relaxation.

It is advised in this scenario to take a shower and a good nap because these acts have been shown to help reduce stress and to relax the body and muscles.

  • Enough Sleep

The best way to ease and cope with stress is always getting enough sleep. Sleep is crucial because it helps your body and mind relax. I advise getting at least 8 hours of sleep per day because it has been shown to be more efficient in reducing stress.

Finally, ensure that you stay safe and stress-free, eat well, and exercise.

Many thanks

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0.007 PAL


People don't rest enough, for one reason or the other. And that is one of the major reasons they are stressed. Because sleep is one effective cure for stress.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

0.000 PAL

A lot of people underestimated the important of sleeping and proper resting, and this has caused more harm than good

0.000 PAL

Yeah, sleep helps to keep the brain alert and active.
Without good sleep one can't even do anything.

0.000 PAL