Phone macro vs camera macro
To be really honest, I didn't expected to see that phone macro lens can be really good. I'm surprised with the results. First two photos were taken with my Canon RP and "homemade" macro lens and other ones were taken with my Poco F3 that has really good macro capabilities. Who will thought that phone cameras can give similar results like using dedicated camera. :D
0.038 PAL
Odlično.. Jel koristiš reverse ring za cam.. Znam par shema kako da poboljšaš fotke pa me zanima sta koristiš
Hvala veliko. Reverse ring koristim za makro. :D
Dali podesis otvor blende. Ima shema da zaključa otvor blende na F8.. (najbolje ak je leca 50mm) i onda podesis iso na 100 i brzina okidanja ss/1/125.. Al moraš otvorit blic.. I pringles tubu stavit gore... I slika bude oštra ajme. Nadji me na instagramu @macrophotography.irl pa ti poslikam sta I kako. Nes zazalit
Taj objektiv koji ja koristim je pokvaren načisto, ne radi mu elektronika pa sam morao da ga otvaram skroz da bih nekako mogao da zatvorim blendu. :D Ovaj što ja imam objektiv je neka stara Sigma 28-70 koju sam kupio za tipa 5 eura najviše zbog toga što na 70mm dobijem baš dobru magnifikaciju.
Znam te fore za blic i ostalo, mada ova mušica je bila već gotova pa sam mogao da koristim i lampu od telefona. :D
Onda super.. Radujem se D ću vidjet jos makro fotki
These are cool!
It would be interesting to see similar photos with an actual macro lens instead of the homemade one, if there is a great difference in them.
Love the first photo the most.
Thank you. :D If I had one I would done this kind of comparison. I need to buy dedicated macro lens. :D
I'm not sure in what prices the RF macro lenses are at the moment, but I'm assuming they'll be even more expensive than the EF ones are. Luckily I'm using my macro lens also for portraits, as it has very nice quality :)
I was thinking about buying some Laowa macro lenses, I also got RF to EF adapter so I can use older Canon lenses.
Ah yes, I've heard of Laowa macro lenses. Luckily I think they have RF mounts too, so no need to go through the adapter :)
Dear @miroslavrc, sorry to jump in a bit off topic but may I ask you to support the HiveBuzz proposal?
It recently lost its funding, is struggling to get back above the HBD stabilizer proposal, and is in dire need of help.
You can support it on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.
On behalf of The HiveBuzz team, thank you!
Very impressive what the phones can capture these days! Great shots!
It seems like in near future phone cameras will replace dslr cameras.
At the rate things are going....

Such cool shots
Thanks! :)
Dear @miroslavrc, we need your help!
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
You can do it on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.
All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Beautifully click the colors are so 👌
Thank you very much. :)
Beautiful picture. We can see his eyes so detailed, it's really amazing
Thanks, I'm glad that you liked them. :)