RE: Storm, Rain and Pestilence
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Added a bit about the chilli plants at the end for you, @blingit. I hope you weren't hoping for a howto, though, because I just wing it. 😅
lol i MISSED THIS .... until i had WAY To much wine after work and was browsing for good things to read.... Thanks for the chilis... no... i'm all good growing chili... no how to needed... :-) :-)
shame about the bolted corriander.. they get so water stressed easy and bolt away.... I don't have much luck with it and it is one of my favourite things to eat.
I'm currently contemplating a whole chili garden.... like about 30 chili plants. But i do think i should diversity... not sure i have grown a habanero...?
Hope you got some rain.
In that case, maybe I should pick you brains on the chilli that is producing blotchy yellowed leaves. Do you think it's anything specific missing or probably just in need of more nutrients generally? I have them next to the chicken run and was hoping the stuff they kicked out would be enough to keep nutrient levels up, but it doesn't seem like it. I also wonder if the soil ph might be to alkaline, as my soil is on the alkaline side. I'm going to try watering regularly with compost tea, anyway and see what happens.
Wow! That's a lot of chilli plants you're planning on! Do you really use that much?
Yes, I hate how quickly coriander always bolts. The family likely don't care, though, they don't like it anyway. One day I'd love to get an aquaponics system going and I wonder if I can grow it in there.
We actually got nearly two weeks of good rainfall in the end. It's easing off again now; just a sprinkling the last couple of days, so I've been topping up when I can.
depends if they are new leaves or older leaves... yellow leaves is nutrient deficiency normally if it is new leaves that means it is a micro nutrient deficiency and if it is older leaves often macro nutrient deficiency as the plants sends the good stuff to the new growth..
but if super blotchy and diseased looking it could be another fungus or something... :-)
Hmm. The newer leaves start out green, then get yellowed as they grow. They look healthy otherwise, though. I have no idea what the difference between micro and macro nutrients is...
@minismallholding that sounds like you need macro nutrients... a good dose of the red powerfeed fertilizer (the one for fruit) or something like that would be a good start... Chili plants are very "needy" of good food to produce lots of fruit. :-)
What, spend money!? 😨
Looks like compost and manure are the recommended free to come by stuff. I'll give them a go first and add some epsom salts. 😉
lol... yes these will work too... just perhaps not as fast :-) :-) I would add worm tea as well if you have a worm farm...
I don't have a worm farm, but sometimes I can pick worm tea up from others. I'll grab some next time I get the chance. I'm hoping if I soak the manure and compost for a bit and water with it too, it will take the nutrients down a bit quicker. 🤞
that sounds great.... poop is a great garden friend... unhappily my folks left the country this year and i am now down a few horses to steal their poop... lol... I might have to phone a friend for some... lol... that will be fun... Hey Kate... you have horses... can i come and shovel poop??? lol
mix the poop with some soil or something so it won;t burn them... :-) (To be fair not sure that it would or wouldn't but just be careful :-) )
do show us how you go. I'm doing a video of my place today as we are mid QLD torrential rain... lol no gardening for me
We're close to some suburban/country properties and I used to collect horse poo from some who advertised it on Gumtree. There are others that come up occasionally as well, but I think it started traking off, because the adverts came down before we could get to them. I'll have to keep an eye out again. We got some sheep poo one time from a guy we gave eggs to who has family up north. That was amazing stuff! I've never had such good broccoli! They were all well matured too, so low risk of burn.
Currently I'm limited to chicken and rabbit poos. Rabbit is good, because no need to mature. Chicken I let dry first, then either soak in water to dilute and water with it or, like you say, mix it with soil before planting.