I Got Surpise from my 5 year old on Mothers Day
I woke up early and Got this beautiful surprise from my 5 year toddler who gave this beautiful card a rose and a mug written queen on it. I was surprised to see that how nicely my husband plan for this and made it happend . Kids doesnt actually make u feel the way they should be. Because their love is quite introvert they dont really express through words but their hugs and kisses always tells you that they need u no matter what.
So finally my husband planned a great high tea buffet in 7 star hotel for me . I enjoyed the food .he was taking care of ny kid and i was enjoying the tea and freshly baked items.
Here is the latest photographs of me and my toddler. We take pictures on daily basis. Hope u like it!
A little note for my son
0.000 PAL
Such a beautiful and sweet gift.
Thank you for sharing! This made me smile😄
So nice of you :)