Why everyone is talking about Zinc in the last two years

In the name of God, the Merciful, how are you? I hope you are doing very well. In this article I am going to talk about the element that the whole world is talking about now, which is the element zinc.

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I will talk about its importance, its location, how much to eat, who is most vulnerable to zinc deficiency and what diseases are caused by zinc deficiency.

Zinc is very important for all cells in the body and important for the process of cell division, we will talk about the role of zinc in many places in the human body.

Zinc is very important for a man's health because it is important for the secretion of the male hormone testosterone and also prevents the transformation of this hormone into the female hormone inside the body. Zinc improves sperm count and sperm movement. Zinc is important for the prostate and its deficiency causes frequent prostate and enlargement of the prostate, which leads to blockage of the urethra.

Zinc is very important for immunity and for the proliferation of immune cells and lymphocytes that fight viruses. It reduces symptoms and shortens the duration of the disease. Therefore, it has been suggested to include zinc in the treatment protocol for Corona-virus.


Zinc is also important for the vitality and freshness of the skin and for the rapid healing of wounds. It is also important for the hair. Therefore, dermatologists use it in cases of non-hereditary hair loss. Zinc also stimulates the sense of taste and smell and helps to improve the mood, as well as playing a role in brain health, stimulating memory and improving brain efficiency and concentration.

It is also important for pregnant and lactating women. It has been found that pregnant women with a zinc deficiency give birth to a child who is underweight, and breastfeeding women with a zinc deficiency cause the child's mental abilities to suffer. Zinc is important for the physical and mental development of children.


Men need 11 to 15 mg of zinc per day, and women need 9 to 12 mg of zinc per day. For one day, whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you need about 19 mg of zinc per day.

Where is zinc found?

It is found in red meat, nuts, legumes and shellfish.

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

Children's growth decreases, whether it is a fetus in the mother's womb or a child at school, as well as hair loss, loss of appetite, weight loss, poor sense of smell and taste, diarrhea, low blood pressure, white spots under the fingernails, as well as a feeling of lethargy and constant fatigue.

Who is most at risk of developing zinc deficiency?

Infants, children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, patients with chronic diarrhea, as well as alcoholics who reduce zinc levels in the liver and increase zinc excretion in the urine, therefore, I recommend taking any vitamin containing zinc concentrations of at least 11 mg per day to strengthen the immune system against any type of virus.


Thank you for reading.
See you soon in a future article. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.


Best wishes to everyone!
